Greetings, Rohanians!

On this post you will be able to find news regarding events, content and bug fixes.

The following has been conducted during our Maintenance:

<New Content>

-A Tale of Fire and Ice (New System Event).
--New Quests, New Boxes, New NPC, New Tittle ticket, New Bosses.
-New Login Event.


-End of Tower of Wish
-Attack of Ducks ended.
-Call to Arms ended.
-Elemental Dungeon And PA Boost Extended.
-Walter's Medal Max Enhancement Increase .

-Time Jewel Updated (Quest Reward & Boxes).

<Bug Fixes>

-Fixed Various UI Bugs.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards
-R.O.H.A.N.: Eternal Vengeance Team-
Vengeance Never Ends