Hey guys, mind if I ask here ?
I want to know which item should I upgrade ?

My current level is 208
from HTBS and Weapon are from Yulson.
I have enough cegels (about 2 negel I assume?)
Since I made a come back couple days ago, seems have no clue which where should I leveling and which gears I have to use at my current levels. ( Overwhealmed with the updates and many changes )

My current HTBS as I mentioned before are from Yulson, but rest aren't.
  1. Wings of Nariel XG+9
  2. Powerful Duke's Ring
  3. Powerful Marquee's Earring
  4. Kitsune +0
  5. Dark spirit (still in spirit form )

Oh yea, any tips to farm cegel nowdays ?

Thank you guys!

IGN: Threeam