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Thread: PKers Lvl 100+

  1. #1

    PKers Lvl 100+

    What's with Lvl 120+ going into starter dungeons and going PVP on low lvl players? I watched a 120+ character with his crossbow kill a lower lvl person over and over. He would see her and go PVP and kill her. In some cases he waited by dungeon entrance and killed her as she entered. What do you think should happen to those people who do that? Just wondered what people think.

  2. #2
    This is a pvp game. Are you new to ROHAN? Believe it or not, what you've witnessed is relatively peaceful compared to what it should be.

    To answer your questions:
    1. What do you think should happen to those people who do that? NOTHING
    2. Just wondered what people think. NORMAL

  3. #3
    we;;, monsters are not a challenge at all so atleast other hostile players are lol

    tbh i lvled several chars up to 100+ while avoiding ash and RPK are rare, i've met mostly kind and friendly folks

  4. #4
    MR is now 5 bil, and if someone runs out of possibles and goes red they can drop their own equipment upon death... If anything the current system already caters too much to you snowflakes.

  5. #5
    NO ONE WILL PLAy dis game anymore since all are alt of BIG GUild NEWERA Te last samurai and tey bulying new and old players in te game is tat normal? game is free for all.. not for boost arrogant players tis sjould be becayse tgey are ULV 400? tey own te server? tat is normal too you? no respet on otter playrs. so tis game is toxic every very toxic now

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