🗣🗣🗣Calling all Rohanians, we have urgent news!🗣🗣🗣

The leader of the Foreseers Organization, Augur Alturion, has a rather interesting quest for all players and we need your assistance to unravel this mystery that lies ahead!🔮

Hop into your character on October 13 and start the quest that will show you the events unravel before you.

Then, on October 15, you will be summoned again by him to go on a quest with his student to watch and try to prevent his prophecy.🔮

We are all counting on you! If you successfully complete the event, you will be credited with a brand new Title on the new R.O.H.A.N!

See you all again on October 15!

Best regards,
-R.O.H.A.N. Renaissance Of Human And Nature: Blood Feud Team-