Lots of upset people here. Reality is that no matter what they do people will be upset. You wanted a year notice? There is no way on earth that a company will say "We will close in a year. Please don't go away and play somewhere else". The last thing they wanted to do is give the last dozen or so paying players here motivation to leave before they are ready to close things down. The fact is that the amount of notice you got is more than I really expected them to give you. I honestly expected to see you guys trying ro log in and servers just not be there.

You are right about one thing... It is all about money. The Rohan Blood Feud cash cow has dried up a long time ago and they were simply holding out until they were ready to publish their next game (You know - that P.O.S. Rohan 2 MOBA crap they leaked info about back in 2015?). Ah well it was a good run. The rohan pea servers will be having a ball with all this for the next 5 or so years..