Greetings Rohanians!

We know that most of you date back from the very beginning.
We would like to know which race is your favorite and why is it!
If you are a new player, please do let us know which race you have picked and why!

To participate all you have to do is go to our Facebook page
Leave us a comment in our “Stick to your race” post with your favorite race and why!

Don't forget to include your character name and server.

We will get all the comments and among all the commenters, we will raffle 15 names!

Those who get picked will receive amazing rewards!

But be very aware that we are allowed to disqualify entries that we deem not eligible for being incomplete.

There will be 15 lucky winners, they will receive the following rewards:
⭐ Skill Enhancement Stone
⭐ Hunter Kit 72 hrs
⭐ Armor Reinforcement Stone V

⚠️The Event will start on September 10 until September 12.
⚠️One account PER PLAYER
⚠️Multiple account will reduce your chances of winning.

Bests of luck!
More Power! Love Rohan

Best regards
R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud Team