Hello Shiltizens!

We bring you a new streaming event with more and exclusive rewards!

This February 27th we will get together to celebrate the Shiltz Carnival at Unison Marketplace, remember that Duran & Arus players are invited!

You will find the GM passing the fountain!

This February 27th at 7:00 AM PST, after Shiltz Trivia event we will meet at Unison Marketplace.

Our suggestion is to stay connected to the stream to better understand the event mechanics.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sealmmorpg/

We will have the following games!

1. Kill the Boss.- We will test your skills with a little warm up, kill the bosses in the less time possible!

2. Paper, Scissors, hand.- Challenge the GM to win on Paper, scissors, hand,
If you win, you will be able to choose a number from the lucky chart!

3. Jumbled.- Can you figure out what we are trying to say? Arrange the word and discover the answer.

4. Hide and Seek.- Find the GM through the map and win the opportunity to select a number priced from the lucky chart!

For the winners of each round:

The GM will ask on stream for you to select a number of the lucky chart, each number contain a coloured ball, each ball is a reward! The GM will take it for you and if you are lucky, you can win a special item!

Be aware that each ball color means a specific reward:

We will be glad to see you there!

Love Seal! ^^
Seal B.o.D Team