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  1. #1

    Disconnecting.. disconnecting... mass disconnections. Planned by Gm's?

    Hello guys.. in this post i wanna talk about the repeated disconnections im seeing all over the server including me (way to often.. its getting ridiculous and suspicious)

    I've been playing this game for about 3 weeks now and i never experienced such thing on any game i played in the past 14-15 years of my life. My internet is perfect.. i pay 200$ a month to have the best of the best. Yet i keep disconnecting in rohan and people around me aswel so its really starting to bother me..

    I've seen mass dc a couple of time and im starting to wonder if the gm's are doing this on purpose to slow our farm down and hopefully we buy more rp because we are slowed down by reapeted disconections.Its really starting to annoy me seriously..

    I don't know much about these things unfortunatly but i hope im wrong about this post sincerly.. I just find it really weird... Sometimes it looks like people are aimed at to get disconnected (after a certain amount of time afk on HK)

    Hopefully its just a really really really bad engine thats running this game and not our GM's trolling around to get more money in their pockets.

    Again i don't know much about all these things so excuse me if im wrong...
    I want you're opinions on this... was it always this way? So much disconnections?
    Last edited by Psyfield1990; 01-15-2019 at 07:54 PM.

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