So as far as I understand, there are currently some restrictions on pking players which means if you ''spam pk'' someone it might be a bannable offense.

Now first of all I want to state that the current ''venge system'' has been broken for years. I'm not gonna explain how it works because I have done so a too many times. This needs to be fixed and most issues will be resolved. Since this has been said a Thousand times, in tickets and on the forum I don't assume this will happen or it would have already.

If any GM decides to read this:

On origin you tried to limit the amount of RPK and PVP by reducing the possibles from 10 to 5 and the regeneration time for 1 possible from 1 hour to 2 hours. Beside that you did not release Murder Remission untill the server was at least a few months old and when you did it was only available at limited times.

About 1-2 weeks after the server opened I have sent tickets as well as multiple forums posts regarding these PVP/RPK/MR issues. Obviously I got ignored but I was right all along, after a few months, many players reached endgame lvl. Even though there was enough new content to play with (new items, trans stats etc. etc.) the server lost players rapidly and finally closed down. One of the main reasons being that PVP was simply sh1t which scared people (including me) away.

I predicted this would happen and nobody from the staff listened. Why should you I mean. I've been playing this game for 10 years, I know the game mechanics better than most staff memebers and have a widespread network of veteran players in this community with whom I speak to gain their feedback. I gave concrete solutions, suggestions, backed up with evidence and logical reasoning. Sadly, to no avail.

Now I know you got your department focusing on your revenue models, your microtransactions and all the other boring economics. Beside that you have set out a clear focus what Rohan should stand for, how the community should behave (no toxic players, no racism etc. etc.). You have your weekly meetings and discuss what has to be improved and how past patches influence player growth and what not. Your new events (facebook events for publicity and player recruitment). I could continue this list with lots of other stuff you guys are doing but....

It feels like something's missing though, how about a proper player feedback loop? Nah throwing out a survey maybe once every 6 months with some small reward that attracts all the trisomic idiots to smear their sh1t (pardon my French) out on a google form will get you the information you need to improve this game doesn't it. From your point of view one ''annonymous'' survey is no different from the other, you do not know enough about this game to judge the quality of the information that gets sent to you. Almost all players will only fill in what they directly, on a short time basis require in game for their specific class to be even stronger than they were. This is NOT information that will keep this game running.

I don't only want to be negative, you guys did manage to keep rohan running for this long a time, you released a lot of new content that worked out very well and I'm verry enthousiastic about. But please don't f*ck it all up by restricting PVP in pretty much any way.

The main reason you have a 80% veteran player base with players that play longer than 5 years is because those players ar heavily invested in the game and can compete in PVP, nearly daily and measure their strengths. Literally the only reason this game is still running is due to the open world pvp with barerly any restrictions which no other game I know of has. If you tweak this or put restrictions on it, you will kill the server in a matter of months.

Fix the goddamn venge system and let the players kill whoever they want, where-ever they want, how many times they want. There are enough spots to xp/farm at and if someone wants to spend 24/7 searching for you to kill you, let them be.