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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by shannon11 View Post
    If you really wanna fix this game, design a new map with new bosses which drop onyx weapon parts with upgrade-like stats on them. As well as add a chance to obtain a weapon part exchange ticket into the Time boxes(+18 and +21 ones). (weapon consists out of 4 parts). Each boss would have a chance to drop parts for a specific kind of weapon, the ticket from time boxes can be used to obtain any weapon part. Weapon part tickets could be given away during events as well but should NOT be sold on the IM.

    This way farmers (high lvl will compete for bosses) and low lvls have a chance to farm time boxes to get the parts as well, the parts should be tradable ingame and on the EM. At the same time PWI makes more money of the sale of Novice Pres stones for boxes.

    Promote pvp/farming --> more players --> more people buying consumables (Ases/patterns/scrolls etc.) --> more stabilized income for PWI (and less P2W) everyone is happy

    Laters noobs~~
    NON SENSE, this will be the same old same- Boss only for the ones who already have a decent gear to compete for them when the new ones never will have a chance to kill a boss to get the drops!!! pathetic sugestion

    --NEW players need to have a chance to start from begining and buy that decent gear from YNK instead of wasting fortunes to buy them from players that are always the same that got those boss drops.
    Last edited by 4nick8er; 06-13-2018 at 08:47 AM.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by 4nick8er View Post
    NON SENSE, this will be the same old same- Boss only for the ones who already have a decent gear to compete for them when the new ones never will have a chance to kill a boss to get the drops!!! pathetic sugestion

    --NEW players need to have a chance to start from begining and buy that decent gear from YNK instead of wasting fortunes to buy them from players that are always the same that got those boss drops.
    Did you read what the GM said? 85% of the playerbase are veteran players, so the decisions made are based on the core playerbase, which aren't new players. Also, the GM said ROHAN is a game designed for hardcore gamers not some pu$$y that wants to join and spend maybe 100$ for full gear without any effort (this simply won't happen look at the chakra and opaniels system, the devotion/time/effort/money which is needed to get max grade items).

    Also my suggestion factors in new players who can farm time Jewels to make time boxes at any lvl with any kind of gear, the bosses is just extra to hype up pvp/farming for the main playerbase.

    Your suggestion to make new players able to start from the beginning (give them equal items compared to people who play for 10+ years and spent Thousands of $ and manhours) in a 10+ year old game is absolutely r3tarded and impossible to implement.

    You're nothing but a sour loser who didn't make it but wants everything to come easy
    Main: Arctic - AnnetteLouise - Resident

    A taste of the divine

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Albreiker View Post
    As for the Onyx. We could probably consider 10% or 15%. It's something that I still have to consult with the development team.
    The idea was that the onyx set is more focused on the PVE (Farm) and that the opaniel is more for PVP. We need to see more opinions about it.
    That is why we try to provide facilities to obtain these opaniel set and players can participate in pvp in a more competitive way.
    It's rather simple to solve this problem as well, I've suggested this long ago to Karazy, to split armours into PVP and PVE kinds with corresponding defense % on them. Simple solution is to give Onyx armour 30% PVE defense (as a 5 part set effect) whilst Opaniels remains to have 30% PVP defense. This way the armour is still viable but more situational, just like opaniels. It also makes players want to have both armours which is good for the versatility in game as well as PWI's wallet.
    Main: Arctic - AnnetteLouise - Resident

    A taste of the divine

  4. #44
    Anybody who wants rohan to go back to the old days has things backwards. For starters going back in time doesnt change anything the big players from global are just gonna jump over there and rape n pilage their way until it no longer becomes worth it and they go back to the real mccoy.

    What happened on tempest? Even though me and cloud were the first 99s on the server silva elitists cleaned up house for 2 months made the startup money and then went back to shielyn server.

    What happened on divinity/jin? Forever elitists cleaned up house for 1.5 months, made the startup money and then went back to merge server.

    What happened on isen? Elitists from the old servers cleaned up house for 2 months, made the startup money and then went back to the merge server. Thats why all those new servers end up with dumb players. There were like a grand total of 6 bez eyes spread across 3 guilds on tempest when they merged wtf were they supposed to do in ruler pvp versus neme****s/old forever? Want a comparison on that? Before ruler came out on ohn server we had aprox 18 bez eyes and multiple flame diamonds. Look what happened to divinity/jin once the legit players left it was a breeding ground for cheaters and abusers it got so bad that they actually convinced the GMs of this game to give out FREE +18 rings through support.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Betcha can't find me
    Quote Originally Posted by googsonline View Post
    PenguimJoe, I was going to reply so many things, I just think you should learn more and play more this game, your comment was kind selfish and pointless, guess as a community we gotta accept your complain, but it sucks that u`re noob, sorry bro
    Since all you could reply with was that, I can only assume that you didn't bother to read the post at all. That's ok. I did say up front that it was tl;dr. For the record judging by your post count and join date, I've probably been around a LOT longer than you

    lol and you call me the noob. That's ok too. Everybody gets to have their own opinion.

  6. #46
    NON SENSE, this will be the same old same- Boss only for the ones who already have a decent gear to compete for them when the new ones never will have a chance to kill a boss to get the drops!!! pathetic sugestion
    --NEW players need to have a chance to start from begining and buy that decent gear from YNK instead of wasting fortunes to buy them from players that are always the same that got those boss drops.
    pathetic is to suggest to this server to be like private ones, which you can be max gear with money. Also, you want the bosses free like high levels players? Waste 200 usd per month for few years on IM, get there, instead of crying that people who actually spend something are getting something in game

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
    I really need to hear some clarification about that one. (sorry, this will get tl;dr)

    Extending levels??!! What exactly do you mean by that? Is 115 +50 (aka lvl 165) not enough of a cap? As it stands today it is not possible to hit that level without using a Hunter Kit (aka LEGAL PAY-ME BOTTING) 24/7 for months on end. And you want to extend that even higher? What is wrong with you guys. The reason I ask this is because I live out there in the wild. I see that players out there are most interested in playing servers (at least in the short term) capped at lvl 99 and classic Rohan features. None of that mess Trinity and no Heroic Power as you guys have defined it. At least for the short term. After a while those servers end up raising level caps and tweaking the Heroic power to make things more balanced. That is because in that world there is no new content to keep them from being bored to tears. Also there are no exchange markets - something that has always been popular here in the official game. So you guys need to understand why most of the players outside of the official server are so interested in those old legacy features. It can be summed up in one word:


    That is the magic word. That is why those hundreds of players are playing out there rather than here. They have visited here and seen for themselves when the best geared players have 300,000+ of health points, yet are still one/two-shotted by players hitting them with up to a 1,500,000 damage points. Does anyone really blame those player for simply walking away from here and play a server that is at least halfway balanced ? (no those private servers are not fully balanced, but at least a player that is not rich can compete there with those that are actually contributing their money) The official International Rohan has left that balance behind when they had the misguided idea that they should sell players weapons that are far more powerful than anything that can be made in-game. YNK Interactive, and afterward Playwith Interactive (something I collectively refer to as PWYNKi) not only in a single day destroyed the efforts of their players to sell the weapons they spent huge amounts of RPs to create by releasing even stronger weapons that they had n o hope in competing against. They got 100% disgusted and left - taking their future donations with them only to give that income to someone else.

    Well as the saying goes: You can't put the egg back into the shell. I get and understand that. You have to live with decisions that were made for better or worse. Yes I get it. This is not a private server where you simply remove these enhanced "pay me" goods without alienating your players. PlayWith Interactive must show profits to its parent company even in the face of a shrinking population. It is not easy luring back players that left because of those decisions made long ago. I am not sure you will ever get them back. Just as I am sure that I doubt I will ever play here full time again.

    I'm really not trying to be completely negative here. You guys have done some things that did help to relieve that balance issue. Removing the ability to buff others is a big plus (I only wish you would have left Almighty self-buff only as well). It was one idea I carped about some what and even sent in a ticket to one of your L2 GMs containing that idea. Capping the damage drop is another plus, even if I was one of the ones you 'fixed' with it and not being something I would have suggested. It does make those semi-immortal players possible to compete against with other than a couple select classes. The addition of end-game level dungeons and content is another big plus. That is content that does not exist in those outside servers. And end-game players need something to do beyond killing / being killed by the same players back and forth over and over again. I do appreciate the attempt to get back to "legacy" Rohan with Rohan Origin, but I am afraid you guys have done so in a way as to make the game totally unrecognizable to those legacy game players who were lookikng for that old-school balance.

    My biggest complaint though is Trinity and it has been almost from the time it was released. That to me is the biggest mess you guys have ever done. Even though there were already a means in this game architecture to add another race in a 100% integrated way, you have:
    1. Created a race that cannot use the armor or weapons of any other race. A slap in the face to the guys that have created their godly armor but can't use it in the newest race.
    2. Cannot be bought and sold on the Exchange market. Because of that quirky Arrendal, it is not possible to separate it from the character so the whole character can't be sold.
    3. Does not have the ability to swap weapons as needs change. PvP and PvE have different needs as far as weapons go. Veteran players keep more than one weapon for use depending on their circumstances. The need to "Transmute" the arrendal with specific characteristics (which always destroys the of the original weapon in the end) makes them a "set it and you are stuck with it" weapon. Useless!!
    4. Are sex-locked to be female. What if I don't want to play a female Trinity toon? First I have to pick a lolly Mer and when I hit lvl 51 I have to transform into a floating set of boobs. No Thanks!
    5. Do not level in the same way as any other race. Sitting in the starting area until lvl 51??!! So much for the joy of partying with friends in Akhma Cave to level!

    In short Trinity was cobbled together and hacked into the game with chewing gum and duck tape (not duct tape - that is useful!). And that lack of integration shows.

    You did ask for input. I am truly sorry if 80% of it is negative, but this game has been sliding deeper and deeper into a deep hole for the last 6 years. I truly wish I could offer more positive comments, but those have dried up and blew away over the 10 years I have been around this game. I felt you needed to know why.

    While I have written all of this I know that it will be 100% disregarded as any other time I have tried to give you guys input on how to improve this game. I am sure this will be pretty much ignored as some old fart grumping and griping as well. Do with it what you will.
    I will explain to you, I've read it all, just gave you the benefit of the doubt, thought you were a newbie, not a mad old player who can't do shht, it's ok, k? We got a mad+50 case here...

    First this game had his CLOSED BETA IN MARCH 2008. We're going back to this later.

    Now let me explain to you how a p2w game works, you gotta spend money, can't be more clear than that. If you think the only way to get levels are perma exping, you probably doing it wrong. That's why I called you noob, since it's possible to make a +50 char in less than 8 months, but again, as someone else said here, this ain't for pu$$ies, you gotta be hardcore player. It seems that, your just not.

    Second, balance. You have the wrong idea on why you need balance. It's not about the damage or hp, it's about being able to play by yourself and in group BALANCED. Btw, again, why I think you're noob, you just said it yourself, you want anyone to have the same chance as a max gear characters. And let's say PA badge has fixed that some way.

    None wants to play a game without challenges and giving new players a chance to be OP has been totally fixed. You can get as much power as a 115+50 with a level 90 character, get pendants, ruler weapon and boom, you can taste the feeling of playing since cb on 2008.

    And your regards of trinity are worthless of my time. I read it all before, I agree with your intention, but it is like you want this to be like private servers, but "safe". You're just stuck in 99s cap lvl.

    Move on. mad+50, this ain't my first account, go get shota in PA nab

  8. #48
    Guard D4rius's Avatar
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    May 2011
    They said so: 'the game needs more people', and they're thinking about giving everything for free, 'let's fuvck all veterans who before have paid amounts to forge (for example Opaniels items), we will have new players, veterans doesn't matter anymore'. What matters if some have paid the amounts before however, there were few 'they paid for us then it doesn't matter anymore'. To offer everything for free that we can then implement new update (as far as I know the level extended and maybe even new armor and weapons), after those updates stupids will lose time and money again to become max. How simple this is!

    For all those who maybe don't know so the weapons were made before at Isen:

    Last edited by D4rius; 06-14-2018 at 12:02 AM.
    Undecided by the changes that have taken place lately.

  9. #49
    Conscript Demonic6000's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    D4rius you do realize that origin had veterans as well? You do realize that they also invested in origin (1k+ $ in under a year or so). You do realize that people that spent their time and money on that server, that just got wiped, ended up on jainus on isen with 115 char (500rp) opa weap (10k rp), opaniel armor set (15k rp at best). soo 25,500 rp worth of gear What do you think those players should've gotten instead? exp seal for 7 days and 30 day mount? You lost nothing as of yet. Origin players lost all however and you still cry.
    I presume you are using abso set +12+ right? i presume you have reinforced boss drops 15+ right? i presume you have OP title yes? i presume you have all them Good pets right? i presume you got max walter and max talisman right? I presume you got that ele dung talisman +ed as well. if you cry like a bish that origin got opa set, what do origin players should do? getting opa weap and set for 2k$ invested you think thats fair? If you are then you are mentally deficient. Over the years few of us veteran players got fked multiple times, and with this migration reward do you think it is different this time? bottom line we still lost our money and time and ended up virtually back to isen/jainus with naked opa weap and set.
    Times i got ****ed:
    1) Scammed for 100k rp when epics came out (had screens of a deal and sht, thought it will work as a proof....was mistaken)
    2) Lost **** ton of rp invested in jin upon merge (all the gears weapons that were good there lost their value -50k rp, not talking even about jin **** rates that ended us with +6 boss drops on jainus with people from Ran where where people had 40% to make +12)
    3) Origin closure -150k rp (got me opa weap and armor set tho) GG now i am OP on ISEN
    Fuk you and whole your cryin on forums that you aren't getting anything for free just because you are veteran and play since beginning in Isen.
    People from Origin got instead of opa weap and opa armor set ONLY opa set and weapon
    Too many secrets are locked inside your minds, but you're all equal in life, equal in love.

    Origin - Delish (Templar)
    Origin - Maestro (priest)
    Origin - Vendigo (Wizard)

    I am guildless HOHOHO (jainus)

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by shannon11 View Post
    Did you read what the GM said? 85% of the playerbase are veteran players, so the decisions made are based on the core playerbase, which aren't new players. Also, the GM said ROHAN is a game designed for hardcore gamers not some pu$$y that wants to join and spend maybe 100$ for full gear without any effort (this simply won't happen look at the chakra and opaniels system, the devotion/time/effort/money which is needed to get max grade items).

    Also my suggestion factors in new players who can farm time Jewels to make time boxes at any lvl with any kind of gear, the bosses is just extra to hype up pvp/farming for the main playerbase.

    Your suggestion to make new players able to start from the beginning (give them equal items compared to people who play for 10+ years and spent Thousands of $ and manhours) in a 10+ year old game is absolutely r3tarded and impossible to implement.

    You're nothing but a sour loser who didn't make it but wants everything to come easy

    Yes men, let's put the things easier then ever for the players that were always get head of the others cause they have more time or money to spent over the years on the game.
    Tue is if you want lure new players to the game you need to give conditions for them to get balanced with old players in 1-2 years of farm and that will not happen if YNK doesn't sell new upgrade weapons for new players start having a decent farm.
    If you talk about Licking ass for players like Sebastian for helping geting you gear and other **** it's non sense, right?
    what we need it's more competitive players , more guilds, more balanced pvp, not get RPK by just 2-5 players that are over power during the years just cause they spent money before and start getting a head of the others players just case they had access to Boss drops and have bullyng other players on farm.
    I'm an old player, oldest enough to know that the players that spent money before they were always head of the others, also I don't udnerstund your point when you say that older players loose with this, I don't see like that, cause there are NO PVP cause you got killed most of the time by 1 shot by overpower dhans.
    Now that the things are getting together you complain cause you have spent fortunes to get your pro items, it's true, but it's also true that probably you have a lots of fun killing ppl with 1 shot and bullying others on farm just caus you had that pro gear on last year. well kid I let you know things doesn't last forever.

    The only thing I do complain it's about the EXP and the time that ppl have spent on INTER to get high lvl and now I see ppl with more lvl then me just cause they were on safe zone farming EXP.
    About new items and stuff if it's to balance the game with those that were always have rule the game I 100% agree.

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