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Thread: Lucky Sale!!

  1. #1
    Playwith Staff FennixGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Smile Lucky Sale!!

    Greetings Rohanians!

    Feeling lucky lately? Take advantage of our limited-time Sale!

    Now is the time to check the huge discounts we are bringing up for this sale:
    • Reset and More! 10% OFF
    • Forging 20% OFF
    • Costume 30% OFF
    • Crafting and Gathering 60% OFF

    * During this period, the following boost will also be available.
    • +100% Exp
    • +50% Drop
    * Do not forget that we extended the Elemental Dungeon Boost until the next maintenance, take advantage of it to get some Onyx pieces !!
    • Elemental Dungeon Boost - 3 times per day
    * Those who make purchases during this period will have the opportunity to participate in 10 game codes draw that contains valuable rewards.
    * These winners will also receive 2500 RPs.

    The game codes contain the following items:
    * Radiant Enhancement Stone Once x1
    * Radiant Ancient Enhancement Stone x1
    * Hunter Kit (15 Days) x1
    * 250000 IP Ticket x1
    * +1 Enhancement Ticket (Max +18) x1

    Boost your luck and get started!

    *This special sale will be available from May 11th at 18:00 PST until May 21th.

    Best regards
    R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud Team
    GAME MASTER - Fennix
    -Seal Online Blades of Destiny Team-

  2. #2
    forging event ^^ for those moving to RBF from origin xD

  3. #3
    funny GM said its 50% dropp rate boost atm but dropp rate was much better before event.... ANOTHER FAKE EVENT

  4. #4
    Conscript Mctwattybollox's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Do not agree
    First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
    Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
    Finally they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    ~ Martin Niemöller

  5. #5
    how to get this special code ?

  6. #6
    Playwith Staff FennixGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Greetings Rohanians!

    We're so happy to announce that the Lucky Sale has finally ended!

    The rewards were already sent to the 10 lucky winners

    Thank you all for participating

    Best regards
    R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud Team
    GAME MASTER - Fennix
    -Seal Online Blades of Destiny Team-

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