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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by EverGreenz View Post
    Just to clarify that Defender, Berseker, Swordmaster skill damage is as intended and not bugged and for the rest in your list it is true and have been bugged for years and the management kept on saying they are working on it every time it is brought up.

    I haven't seen a swordsmaster in quite a while. The last i saw was after the new UI update in 16 which at the time they did do flimsy damage despite high scaling. With defenders. I disagree. I've seen waaay too little damage that has yet to suprass 100k on geared defenders. Theirs kills have an innate hate value modifier that multiplies with the damage done. And at those numbers it's not gonna keep aggros on bosses. Especially when a berzerker is literally doing 3,000% more damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diabolicesp View Post
    im just wondering who doesn't have sense here.

    you knew most job 2 damage is bugged in PvE. why you still using it for PvE ? Like I said, Be flexible and use Berserker................why you so persistent....
    I've been in your shoes. I know how sucks it be, when they forcing us to use Berserker as PvE main. But, I open my mind and be flexible. You know the result ? try zerk.

    You said Im not using sense/logical, I have a question about PvP side. so, there the Question.....

    IF the Damage Bugged/Glitched for PvP get FIXED, CAN THEY WIN AGAINST ASSASIN in a duel???? (which I doubt they can)
    you are Templar, right ? have you ever win if battle against assasins ??

    Assasins is S tier in this game. Just accept it, this is reality. But, no one saying Assasins is invincible......it's beatable, but hard.
    My assumptions about Assasins is for PvP and Zerk for PvE is come from experience.......

    IDK about Templar, but as far I know......Renegade, SM, Gambler, Demol have chance to win against assasins. From those elite 4 I said, I think SM is the Real enemy for assasins.
    As for this. im gonna answer bluntly.

    Why should i play a class that I dont like? I should be able to play a mmo for the classes I enjoy. Deal with it.

    Yes ive destroyed assasins many time since the release of Second job almost ten years ago. It ain't hard for many variable reasons, its all a matter of who is more geared and resourceful in using a massive amount of pots. Don't knock it until you try it child.

    Templar in the past have had issues killing anyone in general until they received a major buff on 75% of their damage abilities on the scaling in 2016. The class is a hell lot stronger now on top of the new skills (If they fix them to work in pvp) than it was in the past. That is when and after they fix the bugs.

    You seem to be under the misunderstanding that everyone plays this mmorpg just to beat and dominate it as much as possible. Perhaps you forgot the notion in how to idk have fun at a video game for once.

    And by the way, expect berzerker nerfs. The developers in KR are already seeing the mistake on buffing their passives too much. Many in KR and TW seal have a truck load of hp hitting the 6th digit and beyond and yet they can combo 4~6mill dmg.

    Honestly the point of the buff was to get them on the level of swordmaster and not always be out dpsd by a gambler all the time. Thus the change was needed, they just need to trim it down a bit for obvious reasons.
    Last edited by Youknowho; 04-16-2018 at 03:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Youknowho View Post
    I haven't seen a swordsmaster in quite a while. The last i saw was after the new UI update in 16 which at the time they did do flimsy damage despite high scaling. With defenders. I disagree. I've seen waaay too little damage that has yet to suprass 100k on geared defenders. Theirs kills have an innate hate value modifier that multiplies with the damage done. And at those numbers it's not gonna keep aggros on bosses. Especially when a berzerker is literally doing 3,000% more damage.
    My Defender deals 100k+ dmg easily even with knight skills such as Dot Impact or skills that do more than 1500% damage. If you are talking about aggro then its obvious that how aggro works here is who deals the most damage which is Berserker. But I think a fair point to make is that not all class excels in PvP and not all class excels in PvE either for example Defender is a crucial component in PvP due to its AoE stun and high DDI % (From Shield) moreover it has return damage 300% 30 minute buff. Berserker in the other hand is completely useless in PvP since you can't combo a moving target and on top of that the damage of your combo isn't that great either in PvP but godly in PvEs. I think they would really have to switch the game mechanics if you want defender to be viable in PvE to keep aggros on bosses and Berserker can tank anything anyways with it's iron blood and passive skills with lifesteal to heal while dealing ur damage by combo. Which makes me doubt that they would be doing that change in this server considering how slow it is to even get game breaking bug skills fixed for the other classes that is in the irrelevant tier.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Youknowho View Post
    Yes ive destroyed assasins many time since the release of Second job almost ten years ago. It ain't hard for many variable reasons, its all a matter of who is more geared and resourceful in using a massive amount of pots.
    TEN YEARS AGO ? OMG.........this is 2018...................the meta is change.....Go check and try again, pretty please ? oh yes, Pick Assasins who have LvL and Gear equal as you.
    pls Post your battle in youtube, so you have prove that you are right about your 'Claim" about destroy many assasins !!

    From my experience, Assasins is the only job who have acces to kill other job who have better gear.
    and I forgot to mention chef, sh*t......................this one is the real troll.

    have you seen SM in GWH/PvP ???? the damage output is idiot. go check IGN. koemi, I think she/he is the best SM in duran(Gear based). but, many player said, SM need skill to play........zZz. i hope that true bcuz this job damage output is insane + stun..........
    in terms on PvP, i saw SM dps is better than Gambler. SM stun is stupid, just like Chef if i can say..........

    Gambler DPS is not that big anymore, due to LUCK BUG get fixed. they pretty vulnerable right now.....even they can be defeated by berseker.

    oh last, Be flexible and try zerk. Better than suffer and upset, right ?
    Last edited by Diabolicesp; 04-17-2018 at 08:58 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Diabolicesp View Post
    You do realize everything your saying revolves around bugs affecting damage. You can also stop preaching this meta nonsense. I could care less that you lack individuality. What I do care is you trying to impose a useless paradigm against my own core values and interests. ~

    And again, I play what I like. For who'm am I being flexible for. Myself? There will be a fix eventually, why should i waste my time on a class that I won't enjoy? You know the answer. Yet you still continue to argue with me as if you think I would and should like the class. Child you know nothing about my tastes and interests. I suggest you stop trying to convince me/say other wise on what I should do on my own computer.

    Quote Originally Posted by EverGreenz View Post

    Post pics and stats on target dummy. I still harbor doubt in what you say based on what I've seen.

    Regardless even before the Bug defenders need quite the buffs.

    Also IIRC the defender skills actually have a hate value modifier to them. If it didn't, it would be 100% impossible to keep the bosses attention as everyone out dps it. That hate value is separate and multiplied with the damage done.

    And yet. it doesn't seem that much.

    They need to either increase the damage defenders do or increase the hate values on the skill to address this.

    In regards to defender/berserker, it's the case above and the fact zerk is doing waaay too much damage.
    Last edited by Youknowho; 04-17-2018 at 01:59 PM.

  5. #5
    In this game, if u are a lone wolf who doesn't play the mainstream classes such as Berserker och Apostle, u will be likly to have a harder time finding random party to do stuffs.

    I have been playing Berserker long before the major update and at that time, if u aint a gambler, gunner or apostle noone's gonna care except your friends and guildmates. As now Berserker is the 1st priority for Pve. 1 Berserker 1 Apostle with great gears can finish all the Raids and Sage tower.

    From my perspective on Pve and with my Pve experiences, Berserker is not always needed. We have tried our runs without Berserkers(not even full party) and man those runs were hella fun and it brought back the feeling of playing a real game with all the challenges.

    For all the bugs, let's hope that the management will see it as the 1st prio because our gaming experience depends on it.

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