im just wondering who doesn't have sense here.

you knew most job 2 damage is bugged in PvE. why you still using it for PvE ? Like I said, Be flexible and use Berserker................why you so persistent....
I've been in your shoes. I know how sucks it be, when they forcing us to use Berserker as PvE main. But, I open my mind and be flexible. You know the result ? try zerk.

You said Im not using sense/logical, I have a question about PvP side. so, there the Question.....

IF the Damage Bugged/Glitched for PvP get FIXED, CAN THEY WIN AGAINST ASSASIN in a duel???? (which I doubt they can)
you are Templar, right ? have you ever win if battle against assasins ??

Assasins is S tier in this game. Just accept it, this is reality. But, no one saying Assasins is's beatable, but hard.
My assumptions about Assasins is for PvP and Zerk for PvE is come from experience.......

IDK about Templar, but as far I know......Renegade, SM, Gambler, Demol have chance to win against assasins. From those elite 4 I said, I think SM is the Real enemy for assasins.