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Thread: Lucky Days!

  1. #1
    Playwith Staff FennixGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Lucky Days!

    Greetings Rohanians!

    We’re so happy to announce the Lucky Days!

    This weekend you have the opportunity to upgrade your items so you can defeat your enemies easily


    Forging : 50% increased success rate
    Refinement : 50% increased success rate
    Reinforcement (Crafted item) : 50% increased success rate
    Enhancement (Forged item) : 50% increased success rate


    Forging : 50% increased success rate
    Refinement : 50% increased success rate
    Reinforcement (Crafted item) : 50% increased success rate
    Enhancement (Forged item) : 50% increased success rate

    *This special buff will be available from February 9th 14:00 PST to February 13th 14:00 PST.

    We hope all of you have fun and enjoy this boost!

    Best regards
    R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud Team
    GAME MASTER - Fennix
    -Seal Online Blades of Destiny Team-

  2. #2
    LOL! is this real? common this is another RIP OFF. why I failed so much and can't even passed +12 on my weapon. I think its other way round. 50% failed!

  3. #3
    That's why I said, this event should be at least 100%boost, since base success rate is really low. This 50% "success rate" is junk, I tried by my self and everything, EVERYTHING after +8 fail. Jainnus is supose to be the "Enhanced rates Server" how are you supose to compete with people who is runing with full+18? ítems wich were done 3 years ago when we had decent "success rates". Seems like your "GM team" is full of newbies who just leave the college and know nothing about how this game Works.

    By the way, there is people who's begging for upgrade sale since "YEARS" ago and you just ignore them. That's how you know there is an incompetent "TEAM" running this game at the moment. No more balance patch, no more upgrade weapon sales. GG RBF.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Betcha can't find me
    +50% of 1% is 1.5%

    big whoop!

  5. #5
    even at +3 got failed then +8 also failed then passed +8 a BIG FAILED. So sad I have no more resources leaving my weapon at +2. Maybe I will live with it for another event 50% boost failure.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by kuzmin View Post
    That's why I said, this event should be at least 100%boost, since base success rate is really low. This 50% "success rate" is junk, I tried by my self and everything, EVERYTHING after +8 fail. Jainnus is supose to be the "Enhanced rates Server" how are you supose to compete with people who is runing with full+18? ítems wich were done 3 years ago when we had decent "success rates". Seems like your "GM team" is full of newbies who just leave the college and know nothing about how this game Works.

    By the way, there is people who's begging for upgrade sale since "YEARS" ago and you just ignore them. That's how you know there is an incompetent "TEAM" running this game at the moment. No more balance patch, no more upgrade weapon sales. GG RBF.

    Hello Kuzmin
    A 100% boost may affect the system and items balance. With a greater upgrade boost many high grade items may lose it's value. And of course this will affect the in-game economy even more.
    Take into account that before a boost is applied we must evaluate these factors first.
    We are sorry that you are not pleased with our service at the moment.
    Note that we are working everyday to make the game better.

    If you have any other concerns, just reply back.

    ROHAN Team

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Volkmyre View Post

    Hello Kuzmin
    A 100% boost may affect the system and items balance. With a greater upgrade boost many high grade items may lose it's value. And of course this will affect the in-game economy even more.
    Take into account that before a boost is applied must evaluate these factors first.
    We apologize that you are not pleased with our service at the moment.
    Note that we are working everyday to make the game better.

    If you have any other concerns, just reply back.

    ROHAN Team
    First of all you should know, I play this game since 2010, I been quit and come back multiple times; I brough here many friends to play your game and all of them quit for the same reason, no matter how much I did help them, most of them couldn't get top items because they failed most of the times. Not 1 or 2 but 10x or 15x in a row, I have records of this if you don't believe it. You talk about this "high grade items may lose it's value" when that is exactly the problem, if you guys sell upgrade weapons we could forge one for 20k e-cash; at the moment if we want an upgrade weapon we have to pay between 40k and 70k e-cash for it, that's 400-700USD for those who doesn't have e-cash and have to buy RP. So, what people actually does is ask for items in real money to another people, and there we go; people does RTM, because it's cheaper than exchange market, they can get a walter medal +7 for 100 USD wich in game represents10k RP(+7 walter medal on EM worth 30k RP); you guys want people to avoid RTM, but most of people with "high grade items" bough them through RTM, if you login in game, you can see people on party matching or kiosk selling NOIRS and RUMIRS(Wich can't be sold through EM) or items by real money. I'm not asking for something impossible, I'm just asking for something that we already had. Upgrade weapon sales, good reinforcenement events. Even people is waiting for balance patchs since 3 years ago. I don't like to be mad at RBF staff but seems like you guys strive for it.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by kuzmin View Post
    First of all you should know, I play this game since 2010, I been quit and come back multiple times; I brough here many friends to play your game and all of them quit for the same reason, no matter how much I did help them, most of them couldn't get top items because they failed most of the times. Not 1 or 2 but 10x or 15x in a row, I have records of this if you don't believe it. You talk about this "high grade items may lose it's value" when that is exactly the problem, if you guys sell upgrade weapons we could forge one for 20k e-cash; at the moment if we want an upgrade weapon we have to pay between 40k and 70k e-cash for it, that's 400-700USD for those who doesn't have e-cash and have to buy RP. So, what people actually does is ask for items in real money to another people, and there we go; people does RTM, because it's cheaper than exchange market, they can get a walter medal +7 for 100 USD wich in game represents10k RP(+7 walter medal on EM worth 30k RP); you guys want people to avoid RTM, but most of people with "high grade items" bough them through RTM, if you login in game, you can see people on party matching or kiosk selling NOIRS and RUMIRS(Wich can't be sold through EM) or items by real money. I'm not asking for something impossible, I'm just asking for something that we already had. Upgrade weapon sales, good reinforcenement events. Even people is waiting for balance patchs since 3 years ago. I don't like to be mad at RBF staff but seems like you guys strive for it.
    Its funny because the one thing rohan did properly was kill illegal bot by making hunterkit. If you want to kill real world trading then start by giving people what they want.

    @Thread: Those rate increases are applied to the base rate so expect the following rates:

    75% rare forging chance
    37.5% uni forging chance
    15% ancient chance

    a 1-0.00000000001% chance increase for reinforcement based on reinforcement goal.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Volkmyre View Post

    Hello Kuzmin
    A 100% boost may affect the system and items balance. With a greater upgrade boost many high grade items may lose it's value. And of course this will affect the in-game economy even more.
    Take into account that before a boost is applied we must evaluate these factors first.
    We are sorry that you are not pleased with our service at the moment.
    Note that we are working everyday to make the game better.

    If you have any other concerns, just reply back.

    ROHAN Team
    All game economy is arleady broken !! thx to +18 ticket and +21 tickets even ft +18 is worth nothing. Not to mention forge rate even with this boost is crap !! its more cheap to RMT armor set than make it...

    Any you working evryday to make game better ? after you guys made Heroic set with skill deffence completly useless i dont expect anything from you..

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Radzias View Post
    All game economy is arleady broken !! thx to +18 ticket and +21 tickets even ft +18 is worth nothing. Not to mention forge rate even with this boost is crap !! its more cheap to RMT armor set than make it...

    Any you working evryday to make game better ? after you guys made Heroic set with skill deffence completly useless i dont expect anything from you..
    Oh ya its totally cuz of +18 and +21 tickets and not because you know theres almost 10 years worth of silva feathers in the game.

    And I do agree I miss my 300% forge rate increase.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

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