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  1. #1

    Post New Year’s Outfit!

    Greetings Rohanians!

    We are pleased to announce the New Year Outfit Event.

    Mechanics & Rewards:

    The GM will ask questions about various topics and genres. The winners of this event will win a desired costume of the ItemMall, you must specify your gender.

    Participate in the following link: Click Here!

    All participants will win a Preservation Stone Grade B and there will also be a Raffle where only 10 players will win 1500 Rps. These winners will also receive the desired costume.

    This event will be available from January 4th until January 10th.

    We wait for you!

    Best regards,
    RO: ORIGIN Team

  2. #2
    Playwith Staff FennixGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Greetings Rohanians!

    We are pleased to announce that we have chosen the winners of the New Year’s Outfit event :

    • Kushina
    • XerinLannister
    • Sisyphus
    • ZevTyrone
    • xXALLANXx
    • Zikel
    • Flower
    • Dhanaerys
    • AmagamiSS
    • Anticlius

    The awards of the event were sent

    *The RPs won are bonus and are not considered for the events of RPs Spent

    Best regards,
    RO: ORIGIN Team
    GAME MASTER - Fennix
    -Seal Online Blades of Destiny Team-

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