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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by demolpro View Post
    Hey Volkmyre,

    I've seen improvements regarding some of the problems, and I should thank you for that.
    Though, I am still experiencing BATTLE PET BUG in sage.
    Whenever you DIE with your battle pet summoned, especially in F6, once you RESPAWN back, BATTLE PET IS GONE.
    It is still there, but we just CANNOT SEE IT.

    Thanks for replying to forum posts, it MEANS A LOT to us .
    Hi again Demolpro.
    I've been checking the forums in the past few weeks and am trying to answer as fast as i can to everyone in here.
    We are glad to know about you. And of course, you are right, we received reports regarding this issue on Sage Tower.
    And as i mentioned before, fixing this kind of bugs takes some time. And the development team is already working on this issue with Sage Tower and a big surprise regarding Pet 6th grade evolution!
    So please, once again we kindly ask you to be patient since these updates will be announced soon.
    Thanks for the support! If you have any question, ill try to reply as soon as possible.

    Seal Online Team

  2. #2
    Hi Volkmyre,

    I just want to let you know that I have been experiencing lags and delays in raid (unison) for a while now.
    It is getting worse and worse to the point that its not playable sometimes.
    There was this one time where we could not move for a solid 2 minutes because of the lag and delay, which I think is not appropriate and I think it should not have happened nor will it happen again in the future.
    I know that you guys have been working tirelessly fixing bugs, bringing updates to the game, adding new items and stuffs; and WE (or at least I) appreciate that a lot!
    But I personally think that making this game VERY PLAYABLE is the most important thing for us players, in a sense that the game should have
    1. Minimal to no lag or bugs.
    2. No cheaters
    3. Server improvements or even server expansion (just like the seal KR has)
    4. And good communication between players and Game Masters.

    We can see from these past weeks that you have been very active in replying and solving issues regarding bugs, reports, etc.
    I just want to give it to you what we really wanted.
    Because it's kind of pointless to spend (invest) time, effort, or even money on game that does not improve over time, or is not playable most of the times.

    Again, I want to thank you for all the efforts you have been showing to us.
    And, we want to see more of you GMs in game!!
    Chat with us, do stuffs with us, you know.. be a part of us too. We would greatly appreciate that.

  3. #3
    Hello Demolpro.
    First of all, my apologies for replying so late.
    Regarding your request about fixing delays and lag during Raids, i have already sent a new report. Please also be informed that the development department is already working on this and also on Sage Tower issues. You might know that fixing these takes time. And we really appreciate your undertanding and specially your continuous support. Here's a hint, we are also taking care of the classes issues to make balances in game when PVPing.

    We are working everyday to please you and all our players. Please just be a bit more patient while we work on this.
    And of course, regarding your last request, we GMs are doing all we can to be more active in game. I personally greet you. My character name in game is Gunrock. It's nice to meet you!
    Hope to see you in the future events. Alse we hope you are participating on our new THE PORTAL QUEST.

    If you have any other suggestion or question, i'm here to help you.

    Seal Online Team.

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