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  1. #1

    Cant play on windows 10

    If i use the RohanClient the game crashes after startup
    If i use the Loader the game crashes adter an error message when ive choose a server to log in to. Please help me anyone

  2. #2
    I found a new launcher which should fix the problem but it cant be downloaded. i get this message after the file have been downloaded: Checksum error in res\model\Npc\mesh.gem

  3. #3
    Thanks for all the answers so far, keep it up!

  4. #4
    Playwith Staff FennixGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    It is very strange that with Windows 10 you have these problems. For better support and help, could you send us a ticket? so that the support department will help you with the problem you have.

    GAME MASTER - Fennix
    -Seal Online Blades of Destiny Team-

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