LOL Chris u got a BIG FAN, he in love with you ahahahahah
LOL Chris u got a BIG FAN, he in love with you ahahahahah
"If you want anything get it for yourself, donīt waste time waiting anybody bring it to you"
Hiiii bro
Its been a while
How are u doing?
Youre right Dragon sorry.
I gave that nonfactor enough fame for the moment.
Last edited by Jester999; 02-03-2017 at 08:54 PM.
(i) Made Str Dhan great again
- retired on Isen -
I've been here killing it
Longer than you've been alive, you idiot
wow this hahaha! when did you ever beat me? ahhhh the ONE and ONLY VIDEO you ever made ( errr prolly you made countless times of FRAPS but failed coz i aint the one lying on the floor.Okay lemme burst some of your bubbles
How many REAL pvps did we had?
Without any1 interfere at lime?
We had a couple of fights back in time, sometimes u beat me, sometimes i defeated u, doesnt matter.
Every1 had alot of fights.
At the end of it all, when we made a real 1 vs 1, we named a time and a place for a fight.
And u lost.
Admit it lol
Dont ask players for real pvps and be like
If u win: uh im so pro u couldnt beat me noob
If u lose: lolol i lost but you are the noob im not geared.
Doesnt makes any sense.
U cant turn it all the time into how u need it moron.
Just admit it, youre just a non factor, pfff vit pet players
And as i said countless times. im done with u.
Youre one of the biggest trashtalkers on server, u had such a big mouth and u lost.
I dont need to fight u over and over again until u beat me and talk big again.
If u want another real fight, u gotta wait till the end of the month when im back,
ill fraps it again when u get rekt.
youre welcome#welcomeToYoutubePart2
And now get over it. Cry a lil less please its annoying as fvck.
2nd part of your dreamworld: guilds & sides i belonged to.
this is even funnier.
Lol what? am im from spain now? Never ever been in latin brothers.
First guild when i played serious & "daily" was Ascension.
U should remember my canadian fellas, even if you outnumbered us like **** (fact, ascension had only 1 main party) we won tsb couple of times coz you guys were awfull and clueless about tsb strategies
I played a temp for farming and pking but mainly priest called cyganka. (Rage below, random trashtalk about the priest. wasnt even mine. Our guildleader Tranquillity let me play Cyg so he geared her but doesnt matter)
Anyway we all quit, after another long break ive read about all the balance patch updates and got myselfe an dhan again and started from zero again.
Didnt took it serious, just wanted to take a look into rohan and how the updates are.
joined infinityKos. had no gear, just wanted to run around killing some noobs with minimum effort and became bored within 2 weeks.
Had a break again, bought vodka and started to play more serious again.
Was hanging around with my mate Zelda to get the final level.
NW cant beat YOU? Hahhahahahaha
Didnt pretend to be a new player lol.
My friends and literally my enemies (=your friend nini) knew who i am (he gave me an discount lol)
Dont blame me when you guys are to stupid to realize it
Infinity became NightWatch.
Left NW after a lil trouble with Vi and beeing on my own guild since that day.
Never been in steves guild (even if he asked me to) or secret (wouldnt make any sense lol) and never be cool with FS (one of the reasons i left NW when they allied them)
Soooo where exactly did i changed sides moron?
So youre fully geared now?
Sweet. so no more excuses. u better be ready when im back (u still got some time to prepare some excuses)
About nini.
Yea. Absolutely. Rofl. Some1 who create a str guardian without knight symbol and final crash (just to name 2 huge skilltree mistakes) and low game & pvp knowledge is better than me. Youre so funny. nini fails on every char he plays. bad on templar, awfull at ranger, newb on dhan.
Easiest guard on isen ? Oooooookay
Sorry but i inspired alot of ppl on isen to become a guard.
Ask your friend HardSoul aka wannabe me. i made him quit guard after he wanted to be better than me![]()
Dunno why u even keep talking. My real talk should hurt your broken heart and burns your dreamworld down![]()
Anyways, rage below.
Tell me something funny about ascension and cyganka i dont know yet
Rage and make some lies about the guilds, nini, or whatever dude, told you, your imagination skills are better than your dekan skills
Wait.... let me recover from laughing hahahahah! You inspired people to become a guard? AFAIK everyone knows it was XxDariusxX and Misfit who inspired everyone to make a guardian (you were playing a ****ty 1hit Dhan WhyMee that time) , then followed by NINI (IIvodkaII) and when nini sold his (IIvodkaII i remember there was a WAR and nini became a murderer and drop 2pcs of his STR Onyx after that nini posted his guardian at Exchange Market) to a noob player everyone was wondering how it was sooo bad. So tell me how thick skinned are you claiming you inspired everyone to play guardian in ISEN? And wait? isnt the FIRST ONYX DAGGER in ISEN was MISFIT's weapon? So when misfit quit playing guardian you bought off his ONYX DAGGER? AM I RIGHT? SO HOW IS IT YOU ARE CLAIMING YOU INSPIRED EVERYONE TO PLAY GUARD? HAHAHAHA FAIL SH!T
Wait what? nini fail at every class? Nini can play anyclass and can pvp with top players. Unlike you who only knows how to play dhan but still getting 1shotted by my DK so you rage quit and sold off your ****ty dhan to buy nini's guardian and misfits weapon. And coz you cant play you suck balls the VIETS and avoid clashing with them thats why you are a noob. Who cant go out of Safezone and will only show up or leave SafeZone if the VIETS are with you.
See you admitted that you pvp me only ONCE and ONLY ONE VIDEO YOU EVER HAD (recheck your video full geared OP class guard being played by a nab player got a lucky win and cant do another pvp)![]()
Keep twisting the truth & telling lies out of your dreamworld nonfactor but as i said,
you wont get attention anymore.
Cya ingame dude, youtube is waiting for part 2 of the desperate (Mi)Loser :3
(i) Made Str Dhan great again
- retired on Isen -
I've been here killing it
Longer than you've been alive, you idiot
Twist the truth you? RAGE LOG OFF NYAHAHAHAHA. DUDE you cant even beat my dk's HP in half if full geared. The Video you made shows my dk doesnt have 7's , patterns etc. Yet you are almost dead.
Now that you geard up again and i geared up? what happened? die EZ? 2shotted wanna be. So i dare you to release the video you made last night when we pvp again ^^, Come on dont be shy show them how noob you really are.
So the question is where is YOUTUBE PART 2? HAHAHAHAHAHA. the YOUTUBE title should be IInoobkaII came back and full geared all 7's but 2shotted by a MiLoser. Nyahahahahah
Lol this kid is still there playing trying to be pro, dude you live in Rohan and ur still faill... I'll be back soon and then we'll see how good you are. Why ur still not able to make a video where u beat any1?
Twist the truth you? RAGE LOG OFF NYAHAHAHAHA. DUDE you cant even beat my dk's HP in half if full geared. The Video you made shows my dk doesnt have 7's , patterns etc. Yet you are almost dead.
Now that you geard up again and i geared up? what happened? die EZ? 2shotted wanna be. So i dare you to release the video you made last night when we pvp again ^^, Come on dont be shy show them how noob you really are.
So the question is where is YOUTUBE PART 2? HAHAHAHAHAHA. the YOUTUBE title should be IInoobkaII came back and full geared all 7's but 2shotted by a MiLoser. Nyahahahahah
P.s about ur fake screen: probably you had the lucky to win one time vs Jess and so fast you did this screen, nice trying...
Undecided by the changes that have taken place lately.
Oh nice try? Lucky Win? that **** was two shotted. And BTW where's IInoobkaII still not posting his YOUTUBE PART2? BwahahhahaLol this kid is still there playing trying to be pro, dude you live in Rohan and ur still faill... I'll be back soon and then we'll see how good you are. Why ur still not able to make a video where u beat any1?
P.s about ur fake screen: probably you had the lucky to win one time vs Jess and so fast you did this screen, nice trying...
Fake Screen? You can ask that ****. I dont do videos for a non factor
Beat any1? as you can see on those two different "GAME TIME" screenies ( errr check the thread i made in ISEN SERVER ) IInoobkaII dont stand a chance for my full geared dekan. ZERO PERCENT WIN FOR NOOBKA. On his previous video he was almost rekt by a non-geared 7's + Pattern dk 50-50% chance for him to win. But with my full geared dk ZERO %.
BTW. The Real Question is where is YOUTUBE PART 2 ? IF he really win WHERE IS IT? HAHAHAHAHHA. Thats what happen those noobs post video of their ONLY ONE WIN. But never post the countless videos they made and die
Rohan PVP scenario:
IInoobkaII: (switching on the video went and hunt MiLord then dies) repeat x20
IInoobkaII: (got a ONE lucky kill and went to upload it in youtube)
IInoobkaII: yay! i killed milord
me: duhhhh how many videos you made before you win once? Dare to post the video of your deaths?![]()
Last edited by lordzymeth27; 02-26-2017 at 11:20 AM.
Isen server so dead menz move to the anus server for real pvp kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
wait is there pvp in rohan anymoar?
Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
ROHAN: Game s0x
Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461
2shot yea? 26k ffs + 32 dffs. dunno how u wanna 2shot me with that but oooooookay (didnt even had a hp scroll nor a 5k scroll)
i will post the real rematch we had. real talk. we fought for 6 straight minutes,its been fun and i gotta admit that he beat me.
still not impressed (especially compared to the few other vit pets isen have) even if i didnt expect the nab will deal that much dmg.
i would still beat him easily as a guardian but i just lack of the atk speed as a defender.
he got health funnel + holy wine + teardrops in combination with dealing 58k dmg every 20 seconds is to much to tank lol
and surprise, you lie again noob
couldnt even beat half of your hp?
i can prove you wrong
where did i rage log off?
be grateful after we had our fight alot of people showed up and we finally had a war and some fun for 2 hours straight.
geared up and already regret it lol
these 2 hours + PA was the only real fun i had yesterday
today farmed the grinding spots which were pretty empty like 1 party per dungeon but thats it, went bored, went back to playstation lol
sooo @ady coming back isnt really worth it. the popularity of isen slighely raised after that level boost event but now its almost same empty **** like b4
theres no way to move to jainus , coz lets be honest, isen players are poor so how u wanna sell your stuff to move and theres no transfer soooo ill keep logging this month while looking for some fun
Last edited by Jester999; 02-26-2017 at 12:39 PM.
(i) Made Str Dhan great again
- retired on Isen -
I've been here killing it
Longer than you've been alive, you idiot
You're not able to do a video dude, Idk about this part 2 made by Jess but we'll see my part 2 soon with you in a 1vs1 ok? and then we'll see who's a non factor....Oh nice try? Lucky Win? that **** was two shotted. And BTW where's IInoobkaII still not posting his YOUTUBE PART2? Bwahahhaha
Fake Screen? You can ask that ****. I dont do videos for a non factor
Beat any1? as you can see on those two different "GAME TIME" screenies ( errr check the thread i made in ISEN SERVER ) IInoobkaII dont stand a chance for my full geared dekan. ZERO PERCENT WIN FOR NOOBKA. On his previous video he was almost rekt by a non-geared 7's + Pattern dk 50-50% chance for him to win. But with my full geared dk ZERO %.
BTW. The Real Question is where is YOUTUBE PART 2 ? IF he really win WHERE IS IT? HAHAHAHAHHA. Thats what happen those noobs post video of their ONLY ONE WIN. But never post the countless videos they made and die
Rohan PVP scenario:
IInoobkaII: (switching on the video went and hunt MiLord then dies) repeat x20
IInoobkaII: (got a ONE lucky kill and went to upload it in youtube)
IInoobkaII: yay! i killed milord
me: duhhhh how many videos you made before you win once? Dare to post the video of your deaths?![]()
Undecided by the changes that have taken place lately.