Hi Playwith,

Today 24 November 2016 at ARUS Channel,

We are having Warzone event around 15.00 GMT+8 (My Local Time), We were told to get in line for listing.
For some reason GM Amberblaire told us it will be postponed.
So I Just go vending and waiting for Amberblaire to be back.
After 1-2 hours Amber is back, so I get in line to wait in the statue for Gunner/Hunter/Archer
And around 17.00 GMT+8 My Local Time) we were told to enter the arena for waiting costume and summon.

What happen is, Many of us didn't get costume and summon.
even after I whisper to Amberblaire to give me costume and summon he/she just said "I didn't see you in line"
What could i reply for this kind of message? Could you the GM check if we are online or not from your server log and where our position.
That kind of answer is really bad for player who's waiting for 1-3 hours standing doing nothing in the game (Waiting is not Fun, especially when you are the one who postponed it).
this makes me very disappointed and many others who may not want to send ticket regarding this.
Playwith need new GM For ARUS to handle Warzone because 1 Amber is not enough.
The New GM Amber he/she handle things very bad.

And The Warzone Start without any further info. around 18.00 GMT (Local time)

Please consider changing or adding a new Active GM.
I will now stop recharge RPS for this game.
This game isn't fun anymore when GM isn't talkactive or with poor eyesight.
We need someone like the GM Before such as (Unica, Minotachi, Miswa, Winterflood)

And here I am Sending Ticket regarding today event 19.00 GMT+8 (Local time)
Thank you.
