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  1. #1

    Exclamation PvP Challange for Couple Mode All Server is allowed

    Event Description:
    WAR on December 1, 2016 - until the end!
    Open registration until the 30th of november 2016
    Broadcasters by: coming soon
    Sponsored by: coming soon

    Registration Fee
    Ultimate Class: 5b / similar items
    Pro Class: 1b
    Rookie Class: 500m

    Location Battle Field: Unison Battle Field

    General Regulation:
    1. It is strictly forbidden to use all kinds of cheat or a bug that has been written in the regulations by GM
    2. Do not use the same 2nd class, 1st class is allowed
    3. Do not use the Any Item Mall Costume, because it will cover equipment used
    4. If Breaking the rules will be disqualified from the fight
    5. Item / Cegel already registered can not be taken back by any circumstances and for any reason
    6. If the participant is less than 3 team, then the prize distribution will be reset, and the committee will not cut the prize for player
    7. It is strictly forbidden consists of two characters men / women in the first team couple
    8. Not allowed to revive exception skill Revival of Priest
    9. Not allowed to use the same nickname for the other team / other categories
    10. If the character in question disconnect from the server it is not the responsibility of the committee
    11. All teams that competed under the party committee
    12. Admission to use the characters in the Arus Server as partisipant and registration fees must Register to server of duran
    13. Before entering the battle field will be checked by the committee, and if it violates the will be warned and if violated for the second time will be disqualified for committing fraud
    14. Permitted uses all kinds ITEM MALL buff potions and other potions buff, not allowed to use Polymorph and unpolymorph, offenders will be disqualified and disqualified

    note: the regulation can be changed if there is support from Gamemaster

    ************************************************** *********************************

    ** Ultimate Class **
    1. Permitted to use all kinds of the best equipment, the best accessories, best pet
    2. Allowed to use buff of all class Battle Pet
    3. Do not violate the general regulation
    4. There is no limit to the level of refine
    5. There is no limit level

    ** Pro Class **
    1. Permitted uses Tipareths / Jikaels / Balie Armor and Weapon, Armor is not allowed except Samael
    2. It is not allowed to use Lucky Dice Costume Normal, with the exception of lucky dice costume (gray, yellow, green, red, pink) because it is still equivalent to Tipareth / jikael Armor
    3. Permitted use of all class buff Battle Pet
    4. Allowed to use the claw / scale or similiar
    5. Permitted uses armor / weapons / accessories refine maximum level +10
    6. Minimum level 150
    7. Do not violate on the General Regulation

    ** Rookie Class **
    1. It is not allowed to use any type of special items, except for the Apostle is permitted to use Brick Hat and Wooden Wing
    2. Not allowed to use any kind of Samael Wing
    3. Not allowed to use earrings and rings or the like
    4. Level MAXIMUM 220
    5. Do not violate on the General Regulation

    You want to help the performance of the Committee?
    The committee will accept all types of donations to reward the participants. Very grateful if anyone would like to donate any kind Megaphone for the sake

    Player: My level is under 251
    Committee: you can enter rookie or pro class

    Player: Can not use any kind of potion regeneration ?
    Committee: really allowed

    Player: Me level 230 can participate Rookie class?
    Committee: can not, you should be registered to Pro Class

    Player: Can i join the event if i borrowed equipment from my friend ?
    Committee: Of course

    Player: Can i participate from Arus Server
    Committee: Of course yes, but you should be registered from Duran server and pay fees from duran server, prizes will be distributed to duran server not in arus server

    Player: Me use any equipment +12 to join Pro class or Rookie Class ?
    Committee: you should participate in the ultimate class!

    Player: why located at unison battle field?
    Committee: prevent cheat / bug, comfortable place for witnessing, and also Arus Server Player can join the event

    The committee did not take a gift from the registration, we select a committee of the most trusted seller / buyer and Also very very veteran player

    Thanks to you who supporting us
    In Game Name :
    1. Larrowze [ Megaphone Donation ]

    TAG and Share to your friend
    Last edited by boscendols; 11-22-2016 at 03:43 AM.

  2. #2

    Keterangan Event:
    WAR on 1 Desember 2016 - until end !
    Open registration sampai tanggal 30 nopember 2016
    Broadcaster by : ....
    Sponsor by : ....


    Registration Fee
    Ultimate Class : 5b/item setara
    Pro Class : 1b
    Rookie Class : 500m

    Lokasi Battle Field : Unison Battle Field

    Regulasi Umum:
    1. Dilarang keras menggunakan semua jenis cheat ataupun bug yang sudah tertulis dalam peraturan oleh GM
    2. Dilarang menggunakan 2nd class yang sama, diperbolehkan menggunakan 1st class yang sama
    3. Dilarang menggunakan Costume Item Mall apapun, dikarenakan akan menutupi equipment yang digunakan
    4. Jika Melanggar aturan maka akan di diskualifikasi dari pertarungan
    5. Barang/Cegel yang sudah didaftarkan tidak bisa di ambil ulang dengan kondisi apapun dan alasan apapun
    6. Jika perserta kurang dari 3 tim, maka pembagian hadiah akan di atur ulang, dan panitia tidak akan memotong hadiah untuk player
    7. Dilarang keras terdiri atas 2 karakter laki-laki/perempuan dalam 1 tim couple
    8. Tidak diperbolehkan melakukan Revive terkecuali skill revive dari Priest
    9. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan Nickname yang sama untuk Tim lain / kategori lain
    10. Jika karakter yang bersangkutan disconnect from server maka bukan tanggung jawab panitia
    11. Semua tim yang bertanding dibawah party panitia
    12. Diperbolehkan menggunakan karakter di Arus sebagai partisipant dan biaya pendaftaran harus di registrasikan dari duran server
    13. Sebelum memasuki battle field akan dilakukan pengecekan oleh pihak panitia, dan jika melangar akan diperingatkan dan jika melanggar untuk kedua kalinya akan di diskualifikasi karena tindak kecurangan
    14. Diperbolehkan menggunakan semua jenis buff potion ITEM MALL dan buff potion lainnya, dilarang keras menggunakan Polymorph dan unpolymorph, jika melanggar akan didiskualifikasi dan dinyatakan gugur

    note : regulasi bisa berubah jika ada bantuan dari gamemaster

    ************************************************** *********************************

    ** Ultimate Class **
    1. Diperbolehkan menggunakan semua jenis equipment terbaik, aksesoris terbaik, pet terbaik anda
    2. Diperbolehkan menggunakan buff dari all class Battle Pet
    3. Dilarang melanggar regulasi umum
    4. Tidak ada batasan untuk tingkat refine
    5. Tidak ada batasan level
    6. Dilarang melanggar Regulasi Umum

    ** Pro Class **
    1. Diperbolehkan menggunakan Tipareths/Jikaels/Balie Armor dan Weapon, terkecuali Samael Armor tidak diperbolehkan
    2. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan Lucky Dice Costume Normal, terkecuali lucky dice costume(gray,.yellow,green,red,pink) karena masih setara dengan Tipareth/jikael Armor
    3. Diperbolehkan menggunakan buff dari all class Battle Pet
    4. Diperbolehkan menggunakan claw/scale atau semacamnya
    5. Diperbolehkan menggunakan armor/weapon/aksesoris maksimal tingkat refine +10
    6. Minimal level 150
    7. Dilarang melanggar Regulasi Umum

    ** Rookie Class **
    1. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan semua jenis special item, terkecuali untuk apostle diperbolehkan menggunakan Brick Hat dan Wooden Wing
    2. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan Samael Wing jenis apapun
    3. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan anting dan cincin ataupun semacamnya
    4. Level MAKSIMAL 220
    5. Dilarang melanggar Regulasi Umum

    Anda ingin membantu kinjerja Panitia ?
    Panitia akan menerima semua jenis donasi untuk hadiah para peserta. Sangat berterima kasih jika ada yang mau mendonasikan Megaphone jenis apapun demi kenyamanan bersama

    Player : Aduh saya level kecil ga bisa ikutan
    Panitia : Ikut Rookie Class yuk

    Player : Boleh pake ransum gak ?
    Panitia : Boleh banget kak

    Player : Saya level 230 bisa ikut Rookie class ?
    Panitia : tidak bisa kak, minimal ikut Pro Class

    Player : Saya ikut tapi equip minjem boleh kak
    Panitia : boleh kok, atur aja sama yang mau minjemin

    Player : Saya dari Arus ingin ikut bisa ?
    Panitia : bisa kok kak, tapi biaya pendaftaran harus di berikan di Duran server, dan jika anda pemenang maka akan diberikan di Duran server kak, sebelum melakukan pengambilan hadiah nanti panitia akan menanyakan IGN kakak di Duran

    Player : Saya pake aksesoris +12 ikut di pro class boleh kak ?
    Panitia : kamu harusnya ikut di ultimate class !

    Player : kok di unison sih battle field nya ?
    Panitia : mencegah cheat/bug, tempat nyaman untuk di saksikan, dan juga Arus Player bisa join

    Panitia tidak mengambil hadiah dari hasil registrasi, Panitia kami pilih dari the most trusted seller/buyer and also very very veteran player

    TAG and Share to your friend
    Last edited by boscendols; 11-22-2016 at 03:46 AM.

  3. #3
    reserved for bracet

  4. #4
    good luck to all participants :cheers

  5. #5
    thats nice but there are a lot of unfixed job yet, like *ehem* gunner skill and such
    but have fun guys

  6. #6
    Peasant robrian03's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Manila, Philippines
    Any update on this event?

  7. #7
    artikel bagus
    Hi teman ke situs dewasa http://bokepid.org menonton film menyenangkan

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