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  1. #51
    Commoner pimoh's Avatar
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    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Baked12345 View Post
    isn't indo helmets will disappear when you move them?? lols
    actually you will get banned when transfering them to other account character, all of us warned by GM a year ago about that. And yes it will dissappear when putting it in inventory or treasury. We experienced that after our characters migrated, so after that incident we never remove any of our items equipped. and I never thought that there is an indonesian version of items more than PH items we have. XD.
    Last edited by pimoh; 09-14-2016 at 06:56 AM.

  2. #52
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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    No where
    Isn't PH and Indonesian items the same o.o?

    Ohh and damn that is a lot of names posted on that ticket, looks like Lucids have been banned
    Now it seems E2N will get bored and quit Rohan cause no competition QQ
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
    Priestess 128 Priest


  3. #53
    First of all, Tijo is not me. Second those two Screenshots you posted does not show Tijo say what you quoted "Trade your Abs Set to Celebi(Which is mine) then trade your staff for club." You're the one who I see requiem Roque tell Tijolada. No where does Tijo say that, she just mentions that I need Abs Set. Third you're mad like a kid, when you keep shouting fat kid. When in reality you know your weak ass twig legs and arms aren't **** compared to the way I'm built. Like I said, your tough enough to say come find me. But unlike me, a real man. I told you I'd pay for your ticket to come down to Texas and we can square it up. I'd then post your lame weak self getting Merked and hoping on your flight back to your state. Your tough saying come fight me, but we both know you're nothing like me to pay your 2 way tickets. Maybe it's because you're the "fat kid" who scamms and tries to put Tijo on blast when the quote you mentioned is not said by her/him. I'm one of those who can recall that email, Guardadoz mentioned earlier in this thread.

  4. #54
    You're trying real hard to wipe your name clean not a scammer. When you're to late for that, 10 years will pass if this game is going and shawn the scammer will still be the scamming **nt known to take people's cash with a follow up, "I'm not home I'll trade you when I get to my pc." Withdraws money then cuts em off. Easy business for ya. And I am Chief, and Celebi. You better do better deep Research before spitting names. You know I'll rock you back and forth.

  5. #55
    Commoner pimoh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBNXD View Post
    Isn't PH and Indonesian items the same o.o?

    Ohh and damn that is a lot of names posted on that ticket, looks like Lucids have been banned
    Now it seems E2N will get bored and quit Rohan cause no competition QQ
    nope INDO is from Indonesian and our items we get are from the regional and Nationwide championships we do in PH for 4 consecutive years before we migrated and INDO is a hack infested since INDO hack items accordingly are too much stats . in ph our GM's only allowed to give special stats to any armor, for example not more than 15% stats example in our bloodwar of champions and Glacial sets do only gives 5% to 10% special stats only as bloodwar prizes before since they dont have any regional events so its impossible if indos items have those stats above 10% to any armors to 15% well obvious, and PH is a far of INDO items ^_^

    . . . well soon E2N will never be boring after I have a guild to join unless those guild invites me. . . . .a surprise will come after they kicked me out, just let me lvl to max first and you will see (but unless the balanced going is 100% complete since Im not allow to change class) XD
    Last edited by pimoh; 09-14-2016 at 08:44 PM.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    May 2011
    thats not the ticket im talking about but yes ive seen that too. and proof once that i've scammed kids PLS

  7. #57
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Proof that lucid members are ban plz?

    When you wake up..
    I'll be a story in your head,
    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
    Because it was, you know.
    It was the best.

    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by shawnc1186ishere View Post
    thats not the ticket im talking about but yes ive seen that too. and proof once that i've scammed kids PLS
    I don't think you want me to play that game with you~ xD

    Quote Originally Posted by xXxAurorAxXx View Post
    Proof that lucid members are ban plz?
    There is none because they aren't being banned. Stop feeding the drama lovers and the trolls kiddies.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    May 2011
    i've seen other tickets besides that karazy, and far as some of these people here calling me a scammer without any proof what so ever. their photoshopped attempts to get me and other people banned are quite frankly pathetic. now they're going to isen making rmt chats trying to get people banned? YNK is destroying this game all by themselves they don't need the players help. the only good thing happened lately is shiny sales. shiny should be on em 24/7 and 4x sales should be once every 1-2 months = economy and players back. how the hell does ynk expect a new player to stick this game out? can't get 1k hp sets, can't get 4x weapons, rates to enchant rings suck. dhans NEED to be nerfed cuz theyre critting people 100k+60k+++ invenom with no scrolls at all.
    Last edited by shawnc1186ishere; 09-14-2016 at 12:52 PM.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RBNXD View Post
    10000000000x times you meant >.>
    and my accounts are worth triple what theirs are so point?

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