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Thread: WTS GOD items

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Syndiicate View Post
    i am the owner of the stuff and 99k is what im asking for it
    your stuff worth nothing LOL

    even my stick is more valuable than your pixels.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Betcha can't find me
    You know nothing Mr. Ambassador.

    Value lies in the eyes of the purchaser. Just as I'm sure you stick is of value to you that pixel mace would be worth 99k RPs to somebody.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
    Here the avg price is $1.2M
    And yes, they are made of that flimsy drywall & 2x4s
    ah I see, here a normal house is $200k and a nice house is around $400k and higher, but $16k... thats the price of a normal ATV lmfao
    seriously that guy should save his money and not play Rohan if 1000$ is 1/16 of his house rofl
    FYI: pic showned isn't in PA
    xHELLDEVILx lvl 115 (+10) Dragon Knight
    Guild : looking for it
    "Born from Hell to incarnate your worst nightmares"

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
    You know nothing Mr. Ambassador.

    Value lies in the eyes of the purchaser. Just as I'm sure you stick is of value to you that pixel mace would be worth 99k RPs to somebody.

    His stuff worth nothing. It's just a pixel thing which worth a virtual currency. This stuff is not even exchangeable for real money currency.

    worth nothing.

    prove me wrong, dumbass.

    (would it worth anything, you'd be a caller for RMT)

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    my stick worth real money, no virtual money that has no value cuz of TOS.


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    PJ full of **** as usual, no wonder you're not the new gaben.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    after reading this topic with no answer :

    get cancer and die.

  8. #28
    dafuk? someone's mad LOL
    FYI: pic showned isn't in PA
    xHELLDEVILx lvl 115 (+10) Dragon Knight
    Guild : looking for it
    "Born from Hell to incarnate your worst nightmares"

  9. #29
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Belgium - In the sky, looking down upon you.
    I see this thread is going fairly well, once again. I also see that reading and comprehending is back at the usual levels, just as well.

    Here's some thought: the cost of a house for one person does not equal to the actual value of the house. I paid 5 bucks for my phone, but it's worth at least a 6000% more. It's also quite stupid to compare value of things like that. I would go and explain why that is so, but I'm afraid - reading the above - it's rather pointless in doing so. Doubt the understanding is there.

    The initial question "how much for the club", is a fair question and rightly asked in a thread like this. If I were in need of a club, I would have asked just the very same question in a thread like this.
    I don't quite see why that would beg for answers like these.

    Besides, 99k was hardly ever the answer to how much the club was - but for how much one could have AIDS. It was also said that 99k (if it ever was the answer) would not be an issue, either.

    There is still a difference between being ones sardonic self and being blatantly abusive.
    If there ever was a need for forum moderation - it's for posts like the above. As good as all of them.

    This is way more obtrusive than some "viet spam". Actually, to be fair, this "viet spam" brings more to the table than any of this.
    Last edited by EaglePhoenix; 07-11-2016 at 01:55 PM.
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  10. #30

    is this worth it for the club? Lol I dont think so, but for someone who wanna play this game and be "op" the mace is worth it for others that just play for fun ...not.
    Last edited by brujohechizero; 07-11-2016 at 02:22 PM.
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