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    Endless Summer Playtime Event!


    Summer is just around the corner, school's out, nothing will stop you from playing Seal Online!
    All this month, your playtime will earn you awesome prizes!
    That's right, a month long playtime event!

    Event duration: 6/7 -- 7/5

    Requirements and Rewards:
    1. 125 hours --> 1 Pet Feeding Bag - (30 days)
    2. 250 hours --> 12 Rascal Rabbit Balloon
    3. 325 hours --> 1 Albereo’s Jewelry Box
    4. 475 hours --> 1 Blessed Diamond
    5. 550 hours --> 1 Tailed Wisp

    BONUS ARUS Rewards:
    1. 125 hours --> 3 Pet Appraiser’s Mistake
    2. 250 hours --> 7 Rascal Rabbit Balloon
    3. 325 hours --> 2 Time Warp – Gold
    4. 475 hours --> 1 Advanced Stat Weapon Voucher
    5. 550 hours --> 1 Blessed Pink Diamond

    Rules and Restrictions:
    - Players must have a character of AT LEAST level 100 to be eligible for rewards
    - ONLY ARUS players can earn the bonus arus rewards
    - Rewards are NOT cumulative
    - Playtime is tracked by account and server
    - Tailed Wisp will be send to the MAILBOX of the highest level character on the server

    - This will be a long event, so keep track of your playtime as best as you can to ensure the correct rewards
    - The event will be tracked starting at 8 PM PDT on 6/7 until 4 PM PDT on 7/5
    - Bonus ARUS rewards are awarded alongside normal rewards
    - Recipients the Advanced Stat Weapon Voucher reward will send in a ticket including their character name, class, and level. They will receive ONE XG Weapon that is appropriate for their class and level

    6/21 EDIT: Due to this week's maintenance, we have reduced the required playtime for all tiers by 4 hours. The new requirements are as follows:

    1. 125 hours -->121 hours
    2. 250 hours --> 246 hours
    3. 325 hours --> 321 hours
    4. 475 hours --> 471 hours
    5. 550 hours --> 546 hours

    Time to play, play to time!
    - Seal Online Team
    Last edited by Cliph; 06-21-2016 at 02:32 PM.

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