Quote Originally Posted by amalager View Post
I think it's a limitation of the game you guys play. On Seal Online, we can use a name change ticket, talk to to the NPC and Poof! Coco Crunch! Our character name has been changed. So probably Rohan servers needs to be turned off in order for the names to be changed on your game.

Aaand probably this has something to do with scammers. Scam a player, change name, profit! So maybe that's one of the reason why they increased their price. -- Just a thought
Definitely a Rohan limitation to not have a Name Change NPC + ticket system (though it does give me ideas for developing one). I personally don't have an issue with the cost. As you say it should be high enough that it isn't abused, but accessible enough that you can actually use it quickly.

The servers don't need to be restarted for name changes. Your account does however need to logged off, then back on after though. It is the log in process that fetches your stable of characters (along with names) from the game data storage.