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  1. #71

    Dean and Drake was a friend since childhood. They always spare time to play together. But one day, a group of bale attacked the village and killed the Drake parents. since then Drake vowed to take revenge and ventured to finish all the bale in Shiltz. He wants to see the whole beauty of Shiltz free from Bale with his own eyes. Dean is also traumatized over the incident, determined to become a formidable knight to protect the village so that it does not happen again.
    Dean practicing hard every day along with Drake to fulfill his dream. They practice diligently in any weather at any circumstances, until they have a remarkable ability bladed, self defense strong, and proficient in a variety of jobs, to well-known throughout the villages.
    Having had enough in practice, Drake decided to wander explore the entire Shiltz and seek Bale who killed his parents. He invited Dean to go with him, but Dean would prefer to stay because his wife and villagers he must protect.
    Drake finally go adventuring alone, through various obstacles, fight against various kinds of Bale, until he met Bale who killed his parents. The fight is inevitable, each of them had experienced a tremendous battle, they fought for hours, a horrible battle that nobody was able to stop them. Until the Bale fell to the ground with fatigue, and Drake stuck his sword right in the heart of the Bale. From there he gained new powers, the dark aura surrounds him now. He's getting stronger, and tough enough to make one colony Bale to follow his orders.
    In the village, Dean train young adventurers in order later to protect the village and have the ability to protect themselves and other people. However, due to his illness, he doubts can continue to teach his students, he began to think to look for a replacement for him.
    Meanwhile the dark forces further into the body of Drake, he realizes that he is increasingly dominated by the dark forces. He killed every Bale he saw, until he was bored. Then, to eliminate the boredom he began to attack and kill any animate beings that he met. Until one day he came to place everything comes, the village where he was born.
    Dean saw the arrival of Drake and feel happy. However kebahagiaanya not last long after he saw Drake started slashing people around him. Aura Geap began to envelop the village, and a great battle occurred again in this land.
    Dean fight with Drake tried to remind about himself, about the village, and all they had shared. While Drake started returning wake of the influence of the dark forces, begin to doubt what he was doing during this time. Drake fell, trying to control the forces that had been controlling him, but its power is too great, he began to cut with his sword in all directions and could injure adventurous that exist around. However By using his body to withstand the attack. The attack plunged right hand, to make the hand can not move anymore. But the battle is not yet finished, swords clashing, wounds on their bodies became more severe over time.
    Because the wounds in his hands earlier and illness he suffered, Dean has shortcomings which resulted in his defeat. He fell, residents began approaching to provide aid and assistance to Dean. Drake tried to control the dark forces within him, he wanted to help his friend, but the dark forces prevented.
    Aware of his death will come soon, Dean asked the villagers to move Mage dark forces that exist in Drake's body to his body and bring the dark forces to go with his death.
    The ritual was completed, Dean died bringing the dark forces are gone for good. Drake continues to regret his actions, he swore in front of the tomb of his friend Dean not to use the sword again and would not fight again for the rest of his life. As well as to meet the wishes of Dean, now Drake helps travelers but not to teach them the techniques to fight but to deliver them explore Shiltz as a Wagon Driver.


    IGN : Kizano
    Server : Duran

    sorry for the bad grammar, i'm using google translate to translate it T.T

  2. #72
    This is the story about the wagon driver who long ago lost his child.
    Once upon a time Wagon Driver's had a child, he was very happy with his son traveling around the world. But one day when he passed through the land of red soil, suddenly his son vanished. Until now he was looking for his son who has not been met until now. tragic how it all happened in one day. Thus the wagon driver dedicates himself to escort adventrer around the world so that the same thing does not happen to anyone else. And maybe he could find that his son had lost while driving around.

    Nick : Daruman
    Server : Duran

  3. #73
    Bank Employee

    One day there was an adventurer smart and intelligent. he lives in a village far from the Town.
    he hunt wild animals for life, in the village hunting is their main job.
    until one day the wild animals in the forest is reduced and very rarely seen.

    finally he decided to go into town.because of his intelligence and cleverness he tried to
    worked as a bank employee. unlucky because poor eyesight disqualified him.

    he was frustrated and walked aimless, without realizing he was in the area of bales named
    MAGE Piya (skilled). With his ability as an adventurer he managed to defeat the Bale.
    after defeating the Bale he realized something was drop, that Glasses Eye.
    he wear it and he feel happy for it to be very sharp vision.

    finally he returned to town, trying to get back to working as a bank employe.
    Good news he was accepted into a bank teller. improved his life and once a month
    he was back to visit his village.


    Sorry Bad GramMer

    IGN : Beckman
    Server : Duran
    Last edited by VANndut; 04-15-2016 at 05:37 AM.

  4. #74
    Wonder Woman

    she was a woman of very great
    hardworking and beautiful.
    she was a dancer in a bar named Rosanne
    he worked hard to eat for her child

    Nick : Engky
    Server : Duran

  5. #75
    The thief noble inside elim
    Have u ever took "Demolition" skill for craftman ? you need to take back Theo's golden hammer right ?
    *Here's behing the story....
    Long ago, Theo and that nobleman are friend. One day,they found a golden hammer that rumored can fulfill any request for its owner.Theo and that nobleman started to fight each other in order to obtain that golden hammer. Theo won the battle against that nobleman. But one night, that greedy nobleman sneaked into Theo's home and stole that hammer. The nobleman wished for a peacefully life without any noises and since then nobody could enter his house ever again...

    Nick : Fakecouple
    Server: Duran

  6. #76
    A small family in the city of lime.
    NPC Gun is a good father
    Lizeh NPC is a very noble mother
    and they have a son named NPC Stella
    The family will take a holiday visit where fishing and they live happily
    The End,,,,

    IGN : Dyis
    Server : Arus

  7. #77
    Lunar And Lenar

    One day there were two small children named Lunar and Lenar, they were playing around the lake, and suddenly there was a bunch of monsters kidnap one of them. Lenar then run for help. come was a robin help them fight the evil monsters
    then Robin manages to kill the monsters.
    Lenar and lunar was soon going to come home

    IGN : Xiabah
    Server : Duran

  8. #78
    how maya became a pet expert...
    her journey start when she was playing with piyas. One of the piya drop its egg in front of maya. Maya who have a power to talk with any pets started to talk with the Piya's egg. She asked the piya, what ability does its egg has, and the piya told her to ask the Egg. Maya asked the egg but the egg didn't answer the question, and the next day maya keep asking the egg about what ability it have to help its owner and the egg answered at day 40. it asnwer that it can helt increasing his owner's damage to balie. Starting then, maya has become the pet expert

    IGN: Hairytama
    Server : Duran

  9. #79
    Why we have an afro hair dresser?
    one day, there's a young boy who want to control the world. he learned a skill from afro-tree and after a hard and long journey he got his afro hair and skills. now he controls the world by styling people's hair.

    IGN: Otokelic
    Server: Duran

  10. #80
    Wagon was born at lime. His parents are farmer but the young Wagon had a big dream, he wanted to explore the world. Trying to explore the world, the young Wagon went on a journey alone. He was going to west and arrived at a certain village where he found a citizen militia hideout. He met Teller and tell him his dream and found out that teller also had a dream to collect a lot of money and build a treasure hideout. They both agreed to form a party and start their journey as traveller and advanturer. after a few months, they arrived at Elim city and met a knight. The knight(old knight) told them that if they could make him laugh loud enough to wake a titan then he will help them to cross the red soil to sevis city. Wagon and Teller decided to dance and the knight laugh really loud and copying the dance. So, they cross the red soil and arrived at sevis city. at the sevis city, they met a girl. She was called Alvarora. She run tavern at sevis. she was really kind but energetic. She had a dream where people can live without fighting. Wagon and Teller secretly felt in love with her. They stayed at Sevis to watch over her without telling each other about their filling toward Alvarora. One day, Alvarora got an errand to deliver milks and vodkas to Elim. Wagon an Teller accompany her to Elim, but in the middle of the way, 12 spinx suddenly abuse them and Alvarora killed in that incident. Both Wagon and Teller fell apart. They decided to keep Alvarora's dream alive. So, they retired and start a new live. Teller build a bank as his replacement of treasure hideout and become bank teller. Wagon who want to travel around the world become a driver who help people to travel from one city to another safely so no one will end up like Alvorora again.

    created by:
    Nick : Evsunshine
    Server : Duran

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