I remember in a thread he/she quit cuz Atzigan plus +18 feathers to some arab.... idk just sayingstill working on my tera pserver
tera emulators out there are pretty primitive. a lot of work to do to get them up to aion emulator standards (both of which is way beyond rohan pserver standards)
not sure where u got your info, but e2n didn't make anybody ragequit Rohan at all. e2n just ain't6 that big of a factor anymore.
strellan's leaving here was that he/she got sick and tired with the way shoddy way PW runs their game - same as I and a lot of others did. plain and simple.
these days the only reason strellan bothers with these forums anymore is for the same reason I do. to troll the gullible people that feel this game is worth playing anymore.
"If it bleeds, we can kill it."
Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
ROHAN: Game s0x
Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461
isnt that the same situation? he was around for the restorations IIRC.
And plus verenbaen made up for it by being good for the community, lots of events (CV flashbacks of making him lose the gbuffs and solo carrying CV good times good times)
its a shame sineida never cared enough about rohan to learn how to participate in the events but I carried her ass anyways.
And nobody can forget this guy
Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
ROHAN: Game s0x
Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461
Damn CV on event server was awesome the little time it lasted -_-
LacieLane 135 Wizard
Priestess 128 Priest
But I won because I was smart enough to fill my treasury with 55% attack stones. And the picture was actually intended to show atzigan playing a beserker with a polearm but sure u can come at me hoe ez game
Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
ROHAN: Game s0x
Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461
[QUOTE=sunnyangel;314323]isnt that the same situation? he was around for the restorations IIRC.
And plus verenbaen made up for it by being good for the community, lots of events (CV flashbacks of making him lose the gbuffs and solo carrying CV good times good times)
its a shame sineida never cared enough about rohan to learn how to participate in the events but I carried her ass anyways.
And nobody can forget this guy
this was may 13/2014.... what a coincidence next day that guild was banned... miracle miracle lol, and the "sandy scorpions" were happy, one of the reason game is dead/ corruption everywhere "justsaying"
"If it bleeds, we can kill it."
Well.. a priest doesnt need drops right?
Idk why you guys keep looking for drops
No $? that's why u guys sell it? o.O
anyway.. that's my collection
there are some in my treasurer.. after ashkeena i'm gonna post it ;D
please, play more than argue on forum :P
Kisses! ;*
Semper Fi!