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  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaBandit View Post
    Your bigotry is shown by you relating "Arabs" as "sinking to their level". How is anyone of middle eastern decent at a 'lower level' than you or anyone else? What makes you any better? Racism pure and simple.

    Your bigotry is also shown by your use of the term 'shemale' as a derogatory term used by yourself in a manner to insult someone. There is nothing wrong with being LBGT but you are posting here as though there is. That sir is bigotry - your prejudicial assertions there somehow is something wrong with being transgender or that Arabic people are 'less' than anyone else without having a clue who they are. What makes you think you are better than someone who is transgender or Arabic?

    I don't agree with what sunnyangel is saying either because he/she is being highly prejudicial. I personally leave it alone and let the staff deal with it. But YOU but calling him/her out for it while showing that same prejudicial attitudes does not make you any better than him/her.
    Hello Sir... let me start with this simple statements: When I refer to "get off to their level" I mean if someone insult u or else dont get off to his level, just show him ur a better person. In any moment I was pretending that im a superior or less person to anyone, for me we are all equal. About calling "shemale" well Mr. excuseme but I never call anyone "shemale" I just said " now I undertand why so much people hate u in forum and call u "shemale"...... So Mr, Banana, I am responsible for what I speak not of what you understand, have a good day sir.
    "If it bleeds, we can kill it."

  2. #122
    ^shutup you mexicanpinoysandy****scorpionofmaha

    if you dont know im ****ing with u at this point....heh welcome to the internet

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  3. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    ^shutup you mexicanpinoysandy****scorpionofmaha

    if you dont know im ****ing with u at this point....heh welcome to the internet
    Doge, Pepe, it's a trap, shrek is love shrek is life, get oat of me swamp, spoderman, swagenemite, mountain dew & doritos, hitler, grammar nazi, smoke weed everyday, kappa, ebola, anustroll,
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), yolo, swag, rofl, ohh baby a tripple, boom headshot, pink guy, illoominati, 9fag, reddit, tumblr, 4chan, rule 34, trek wars, u w0t m8, gr8 m8 i r8 8/8 pls no h8.

    Enough internet for today

  4. #124
    i want pie.
    There is nothing noble about being superior to others. True nobility is gained by becoming superior to one's former self.

  5. #125
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neuropsych View Post
    Hello Sir... let me start with this simple statements: When I refer to "get off to their level" I mean if someone insult u or else dont get off to his level, just show him ur a better person. In any moment I was pretending that im a superior or less person to anyone, for me we are all equal. About calling "shemale" well Mr. excuseme but I never call anyone "shemale" I just said " now I undertand why so much people hate u in forum and call u "shemale"...... So Mr, Banana, I am responsible for what I speak not of what you understand, have a good day sir.
    But it does mean that you do understand why people would call someone "shemale". So, basically, you acknowledge that it is actually an insult.
    Especially since whatever the topic in this thread, is nothing related to LBGT to begin with and one could not extract such opinion by reading these threads without knowing the pre-history. So, as a matter of fact, you did judge beforehand without possessing any adequate evidence.

    And I could continue writing absolute nonsens in this thread, as I feel I am doing now. To be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing here. There was beer, long and warm day - so now I'm here behind my desk just typing.. and typing.
    Actually, I'm still going stronk - but I guess I'll stop here.

    Or maybe, just one more paragraph. Three paragraphs look way nicer, don't you think so?
    I think so. I'm also bit bored. Does it show?
    Someone. Entertain me .
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    En voor ik ga slapen stel ik u voor aan mijn normen en waarden
    Peasant | Farmer | Rancher

  6. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    But it does mean that you do understand why people would call someone "shemale". So, basically, you acknowledge that it is actually an insult.
    Especially since whatever the topic in this thread, is nothing related to LBGT to begin with and one could not extract such opinion by reading these threads without knowing the pre-history. So, as a matter of fact, you did judge beforehand without possessing any adequate evidence.

    And I could continue writing absolute nonsens in this thread, as I feel I am doing now. To be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing here. There was beer, long and warm day - so now I'm here behind my desk just typing.. and typing.
    Actually, I'm still going stronk - but I guess I'll stop here.

    Or maybe, just one more paragraph. Three paragraphs look way nicer, don't you think so?
    I think so. I'm also bit bored. Does it show?
    Someone. Entertain me .
    But does mean she/he needs to learn some geography , as my concern there will be some Coronas and some babe back ribs next week.......
    "If it bleeds, we can kill it."

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    ...Or maybe, just one more paragraph. Three paragraphs look way nicer, don't you think so?
    I think so. I'm also bit bored. Does it show?
    Someone. Entertain me .

    There is nothing noble about being superior to others. True nobility is gained by becoming superior to one's former self.

  8. #128
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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  9. #129
    Im out of popcorn. Im sad now.

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by neuropsych View Post
    But does mean she/he needs to learn some geography , as my concern there will be some Coronas and some babe back ribs next week.......
    dont be mad that I can tell from your smell which sandy **** you came from you sandy****scorpion geography is just a bunch of made up lines that dont matter at the end of the day im a human and you are a sandy****scorpion or maybe a sandy****beetle depends which you prefer.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

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