View Poll Results: What would you like to happen to DD items?

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  • Removal of DD Stat completely!

    8 7.55%
  • DD Stat Nerf! (Less DD per point of DD)

    2 1.89%
  • DD Stat Cap! (DD caps at certain amount)

    62 58.49%
  • DD is fine/needs no changes!

    28 26.42%
  • Other! Post your own Opinion!

    6 5.66%
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Thread: DD Items Poll~

  1. #31
    I'm fine with how it is right now, DD cap would be the best option if it's get nerfed. Since templars allready do overpower dmg you dont want them to do even more, like 90% or sum **** so we get rid of 100 dd defs xD
    Best templar in the whole server, the one and only FateGod

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Glamourous View Post
    But you don't any more, so what does any of this have to do with you?
    Because people like you break my bull**** radar and I have to fix it by silencing idiots.

    There are no "nonfactor" classes only 1/2 ass players do not post here telling us about these "nonfactor classes" when in reality its just nonfactors who cant compete anyways. Even if these "whales" get their hands on some new DD gear they are pluions and edwins you wouldnt be able to compete still because you 1/2 assed on your char by undergearing it. This game is pay 2 win and its all about whales, you cant talk about balance between classes by comparing a poor player to a wealthy one. The problem is that people who have everything else (ie: adam, james, ahmed etc.) can not compete with players like godlyke who have everything they have PLUS dd gear. Since nobody can agree to delete them the best course of action would be to make it available to all.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    Because people like you break my bull**** radar and I have to fix it by silencing idiots.

    There are no "nonfactor" classes only 1/2 ass players do not post here telling us about these "nonfactor classes" when in reality its just nonfactors who cant compete anyways. What does temps hitting 50k make most other classes that don't even hit as close? lol, ****ing retard. Even if these "whales" get their hands on some new DD gear they are pluions and edwins you wouldnt be able to compete still because you 1/2 assed on your char by undergearing it. Lol! doesn't matter what the item tier it so long as it has the DD stat. Again, retard. This game is pay 2 win and its all about whales, you cant talk about balance between classes by comparing a poor player to a wealthy one. Talk about going off topic, retard. The problem is that people who have everything else (ie: adam, james, ahmed etc.) can not compete with players like godlyke who have everything they have PLUS dd gear. Since nobody can agree to delete them the best course of action would be to make it available to all. Oh yeah! because the 2 players > everyone else.

    what's that for bull****? lol pls go.

  4. #34
    K so you are comparing the best in slot players to players who are not best in slot again ok................

    your illusion of balance is so cute please continue posting

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  5. #35
    You retard, blunt mastery is admittedly broken.

    lol can't careless just stating it how it is and pointing out your bull****. Mr. "Borderline Retuired Rohan Expert" go back into that retirement yo, you're retarded
    Last edited by Glamourous; 05-20-2015 at 12:18 PM.

  6. #36
    You guys are all jokes..... Marea's Battle and Skill Defense are broken more then any DD or Blunt Mastery
    LexusGS 115 ran - Best Dekan in history retired
    Latvala 114 ran - 2nd Best Dekan in history retired

    GM WalkingDead retired

  7. #37
    I can agree that marea's battle is, but skill defense is fine.

  8. #38
    so its ok to have a toon wack you nonstop but I have to get my only move nerfed?
    LexusGS 115 ran - Best Dekan in history retired
    Latvala 114 ran - 2nd Best Dekan in history retired

    GM WalkingDead retired

  9. #39
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Biggest issue, aside of this DD, is the fact that they disabled the most awesome (looking) skill in the game due to misuse, and never bothered to fix it.
    I'm still waiting!

    That aside, I've cast the die and voted.
    Keep your friends close - your farmers closer
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  10. #40
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    Biggest issue, aside of this DD, is the fact that they disabled the most awesome (looking) skill in the game due to misuse, and never bothered to fix it.
    I'm still waiting!

    That aside, I've cast the die and voted.
    Because like rambecks bridges they don't know how to fix it or at least change it xD
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
    Priestess 128 Priest


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