Removal of DD Stat completely!
DD Stat Nerf! (Less DD per point of DD)
DD Stat Cap! (DD caps at certain amount)
DD is fine/needs no changes!
Other! Post your own Opinion!
I did not say increase Attack and nerf DD. Those methods are alternatives to each other, meaning increase Attack for others OR nerf DD for the broken OP classes.
we need DD cap ! its fair for everyone, about defenders, they can use 2 weapons, so, they will always have more DD than others, which is fine so dont cry about not having 100% dd
Aha I read method 3 and assumed they all were relative because it's not so much of an "alternative" and kinda irrelevant. But still, 900% attack would be about ****ed up lol. Selective DD cap is ok if they scaled and implemented it properly.
DD on weapons are ok as it is now, but DD on armors was so stupid idea, make dd on all armors or remove this completly. It's not fair if only few players can have DD on armors and others can't.
@ Karazy, if you're truly looking for opinions and willing to do something regarding this, then do something about filtering out votes that are coming off the same ip-address or just any vote coming from a cloaked ip-address so you get effective results rather than some asshats spam voting with alt accs for what interests and suits them best.
Dear gm Karazy we don't want u to remove the DD on our weapons because we paid alot of money to get this nice DD on our weapons, we just want u to remove the DD armor only, no cap no nerf no remove the DD stones or DD on weapons, just remove the damn DD armor because there is only certain people using it, thank you
DD cap on 90% for all the game/classes, the balancing talisman was a test that was being used on the event server by atzigan and his team it was having good results for the weak classes like scout giants and mages.
I recommend taking a couple of days to start testing damage output from each class starting with bedron grade set artisans +5 and just using stronger accs and items till live server stat items. This method will give you(GMs) an idea on how strong each class is and how it can be nerfed stat wise, skill wise and gear wise. With current ACC's and gear is almost impossible to balance the game because of all ATK and all stat inflation.
Last edited by RBNXD; 05-20-2015 at 06:52 AM. Reason: stupid tablet -_-
LacieLane 135 Wizard
Priestess 128 Priest
No don't cap the weapon DD, we all paid for those shiny dd options that you guys recently removed and we all managed to try to get the best DD as much as possible. Just cap the DD on ARMORS.
Besides, you guys don't even read at all, the thread that recently was made was about the DD on armors not abt DD on weapons.
Bayne and Lil Annie for life
Pink and Doutzen at your service![]()
i demand you remove skill defense and marea's battle
LexusGS 115 ran - Best Dekan in history retired
Latvala 114 ran - 2nd Best Dekan in history retired
GM WalkingDead retired
Well lets see, how much armors with DD stats are running in server? I do know, now that i think about it would suck for all those players that payed for 8x DD Axes. If the amount of Armors with DD stats on it is low like 4-5 players with 1-3 of this items we can say delete said items and/or compensate with an item of equal value(Upgrd weap piece/Opaniel weap/Upgrd acc/up to GMs). I haven't seen this items myself i don't play nor am in a big guild, I'm mostly a solo player. But this can damage balance and upset players that have payed a ton of money to gear just to get slapped in the face because there's an item that's giving a huge handicap(DD is the highest defense modifier) to another player that's a mistake from the past. I don't mind Humans having 100% DD there's always a way to drop em without hitting them directly.No don't cap the weapon DD, we all paid for those shiny dd options that you guys recently removed and we all managed to try to get the best DD as much as possible. Just cap the DD on ARMORS.
Besides, you guys don't even read at all, the thread that recently was made was about the DD on armors not abt DD on weapons.
If Shawn can play his DK with full lvl6s and still be good you can be as or even better so stop crying.
Last edited by RBNXD; 05-20-2015 at 08:22 AM.
LacieLane 135 Wizard
Priestess 128 Priest