View Poll Results: What would you like to happen to DD items?

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  • Removal of DD Stat completely!

    8 7.55%
  • DD Stat Nerf! (Less DD per point of DD)

    2 1.89%
  • DD Stat Cap! (DD caps at certain amount)

    62 58.49%
  • DD is fine/needs no changes!

    28 26.42%
  • Other! Post your own Opinion!

    6 5.66%
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Thread: DD Items Poll~

  1. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Demonic6000 View Post
    Im still good with 100% DD humans, I mean is this poll exists because few players who can't play anything besides templars started to QQ? Its hard for human to kill anything at all at this point, so lets nerf the only thing that has the advantage over temps? So templars will once again kill everything in the game, when human hardly can kill anything. OS cd is too long, elemental attack - well you can dump it in the toilet, no debuffs, no chance of seeing ppl in hide, no reflects, in other words u are that competitive as to kill people who dies to your reg cs. i mean dhans can kill anything, dk as well, temps everything besides 100DD humans, Noirs can drop anything, Giants have good dmg output as well, and 100dd humans, the only ones are good for reg hits, cs dun work with axe the way it is with sword, fixation doesnt work with axe, so we nerf ppl cus they can't kill **** with axe wield? Oh i know they are super OP - sure if u manage to be 1 v 1 and u get the stun first, still tho cs + os + 2 stuns with axe in a hand, i somehow doubt that it is enough to smite temp,dk,dhan (with op parry rate - use 1 tear and then the only one will be TD-ing human, oh no i lied, human won't TD, cus he knows thats a waste, inv rapes him like nothing else).

    Only reason this thread exists is because Templars have been the top cash cow for the official game for the past 4 years. Last thing PWi wants is for all the temp players to ragequit because they can't kill everything with a couple swats. Income woulds drop to dangerous levels.
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  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by sh1n1gami View Post
    I guess either everyone forgot what happened last time they put a DD cap or most of you weren't here. One time they put a DD cap and everyone raged in forums til they took it offand some ppl even rage quit the game, even Iceyy raged about it, now shes all for it even tho she doesn't even play anymore
    Thats because they put the stat cap at 65% dd when I had 71% dd club (along with 2 of my guildies at the time who also had 71% dd maces & a dagger). Not to mention the stat cap ****ed up the HP boost from lion and royally ****ed dual wielders (because it capped their damage too). The stat cap was a knee-jerk reaction to the indo jin/divi hacked up gear nonsense.

    @Adam: 75% dd stat cap makes no sense; it renders the DD gear useless and it nerfs axe users completely.

    A cap at 89-92% dd is more than reasonable; nobody is 100% immune to physical damage, humans are still tanky as **** and not some big haha you cant kill me statue on wheels and you can still use DD armor. If playwith really wants to make it equal they should just sell it/bring boomforce back, does not undermine the work those players did so long ago and gives everybody an equal chance to get them so no moar qq.

    Plus you guys think godlyke having DD gear is OP? you shoulda seen celese with DD gear immortal priest.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
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  3. #73
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoobDealer View Post
    How you got?
    You are hacker? edit items?

    Tell us plz
    ph item nooooooooooob

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    Thats because they put the stat cap at 65% dd when I had 71% dd club (along with 2 of my guildies at the time who also had 71% dd maces & a dagger). Not to mention the stat cap ****ed up the HP boost from lion and royally ****ed dual wielders (because it capped their damage too). The stat cap was a knee-jerk reaction to the indo jin/divi hacked up gear nonsense.

    @Adam: 75% dd stat cap makes no sense; it renders the DD gear useless and it nerfs axe users completely.

    A cap at 89-92% dd is more than reasonable; nobody is 100% immune to physical damage, humans are still tanky as **** and not some big haha you cant kill me statue on wheels and you can still use DD armor. If playwith really wants to make it equal they should just sell it/bring boomforce back, does not undermine the work those players did so long ago and gives everybody an equal chance to get them so no moar qq.

    Plus you guys think godlyke having DD gear is OP? you shoulda seen celese with DD gear immortal priest.
    yep so every one is immortal, that sure gonna work out, strellan aka ipretendabegirlandsuckdickforgear

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshine View Post
    yep so every one is immortal, that sure gonna work out, strellan aka ipretendabegirlandsuckdickforgear
    1. the catfish stuff is still being used?
    2. really?

  6. #76
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshine View Post
    yep so every one is immortal, that sure gonna work out, strellan aka ipretendabegirlandsuckdickforgear
    Wow dude chill it might have worked for him don't be jealous, but lets stay on topic. Last cap was a full out rage war on forums. With this one we are making sure to tell GMs whats the problem and where to fix it like 100000000000 of the other times we did in the past. Just hope Atzigan left with his magic wand and they dont have nother one ;D
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
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  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by Chawizzawd View Post
    1. the catfish stuff is still being used?
    2. really?
    u dont know, it remains such as chatter ahead of what strellan does

  8. #78
    I-Rohan is FUBAR. What's the point of trying to fix anything at this point? You people are ignoring the root causes of class imbalance: Pure Attack, Heroic Power, and the Int Divisor. You have to fix all three of these first. If you're not gonna go balls-out and fix all three of those things, it doesn't matter. BALLS-OUT.

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshine View Post
    yep so every one is immortal, that sure gonna work out, strellan aka ipretendabegirlandsuckdickforgear
    You just look intelligent when all you can do is milk some 100 year old gossip heh

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
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  10. #80
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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