DD no need be capped, just nerf temp/dhan damage and done. this thread exist cuz a qqing temp cannot kill cherist.
Removal of DD Stat completely!
DD Stat Nerf! (Less DD per point of DD)
DD Stat Cap! (DD caps at certain amount)
DD is fine/needs no changes!
Other! Post your own Opinion!
DD no need be capped, just nerf temp/dhan damage and done. this thread exist cuz a qqing temp cannot kill cherist.
+1000000Im still good with 100% DD humans, I mean is this poll exists because few players who can't play anything besides templars started to QQ? Its hard for human to kill anything at all at this point, so lets nerf the only thing that has the advantage over temps? So templars will once again kill everything in the game, when human hardly can kill anything. OS cd is too long, elemental attack - well you can dump it in the toilet, no debuffs, no chance of seeing ppl in hide, no reflects, in other words u are that competitive as to kill people who dies to your reg cs. i mean dhans can kill anything, dk as well, temps everything besides 100DD humans, Noirs can drop anything, Giants have good dmg output as well, and 100dd humans, the only ones are good for reg hits, cs dun work with axe the way it is with sword, fixation doesnt work with axe, so we nerf ppl cus they can't kill **** with axe wield? Oh i know they are super OP - sure if u manage to be 1 v 1 and u get the stun first, still tho cs + os + 2 stuns with axe in a hand, i somehow doubt that it is enough to smite temp,dk,dhan (with op parry rate - use 1 tear and then the only one will be TD-ing human, oh no i lied, human won't TD, cus he knows thats a waste, inv rapes him like nothing else).
i agree with it
Don't be capping DD!!! What reason I bought axe upgrade parts for? I bought the parts and forged axe, for 100DD human, not for a giant, not for a 9x-90 DD human *Preach It*! If we cap dd to 90 or something DD, I could've easily stayed with Dagger + Club, I already have that weapon combo.
P.S. Sure nerf DD, but if you do, i'd like to get all the money i charged in this game returned to me, because to me I see this as a breach of our contract concerning purchased things. It is as if buying something from Apple, and upon getting it it doesn't work, and money you spent for it, is not given back.
Too many secrets are locked inside your minds, but you're all equal in life, equal in love.
Origin - Delish (Templar)
Origin - Maestro (priest)
Origin - Vendigo (Wizard)
I am guildless HOHOHO(jainus)
In my opinion DD should be only nerfed in the Axe weapons since its the only dat have 8xdd of all the upgrades weapongs. no need to lower the weapongs like maces/daggers/etc with 7xdd sinces is aceptable but def dual upgra 100% dd it should be nerfed like many noirs dat added 8xdd axes to their weapongs. it should be as max 7xdd as all the rest of the ppl with upgrades.
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
EliteGamers - http://www.elitegamers.ca
pics plz..
GO ahead, post it here and because 4 of us PH winners on the event only recieve 10% DD armors from winning the GM kill Hunt event in PH last year before Rohan PH CLosure and not more than that if you have one of those that has 11% DD im sure its not a legit ( and probably it is an edited or hacked) and all DD parts should be a Glacial Split armors like my DD set attached below (im expecting more QQ babies to GM after seeing this) LOL
Last edited by crussandra; 05-22-2015 at 06:02 PM.
I post my items to prove that my DD parts are not came from hacks or dupes, this was included in migration of our character and as a conditon according to late GM Atzigan and to tell you that theres no such thing of 4 of us PH champions would sell our DD parts to anyone to preserve only to US and since GM's nowadays started to banning our accounts without a reason, theres no more reason us to continue playing RBF so we decided to freeze our characters so that you could only seeing Cherish and you only probably making challenge or be problematic only to Cherish rather to us and no ONE will abuse the power of our DD armors into a wrong foreign hands who abused, bullying weaker players and feeler player who keeps telling everyone to proclaimed HIM/HER self like so called "Strongest player in this server etc. . etc." because we believe that have a greater power comes wth great responsibilities rather than abusing your greatness to weaker characters instead of helping thempost it here and because 4 of us PH winners on the event only recieve 10% DD armors from winning the GM kill Hunt event in PH last year before Rohan PH CLosure and not more than that if you have one of those that has 11% DD im sure its not a legit ( and probably it is an edited or hacked) and all DD parts should be a Glacial Split armors like my DD set attached below (im expecting more QQ babies to GM after seeing this) LOL
Last edited by crussandra; 05-22-2015 at 05:57 PM.