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    Wink Analyzing forum's top 10 *Meany Heads

    NUMBER 10: Kophy, I've always seen him as a good assistant not really a very good player, just nice assistant who u find when u need. He is somewhat shy, u may not notice that but he cares for people's feelings.

    NUMBER 9: yournightmares, that kid has grown up really too fast. nightmares has been grown up in between the hands of 2 rohan's legenderies that we will mention later in this post. You can call him a semi troller, maybe because he lacks the experiences? Well, I've always seen him as a needle that shows up from where you don't expect.

    NUMBER 8: Kingsofnothing , I still see her as a 2faced biatch, forever always had her as a priest in their main pt for some reason that people are still not aware off. I mean, she never was a good priest neither she had a good gears. But, maybe she wasn't a good priest yet she still follows the orders as it said, she doesn't do something dumb from herself "she isn't furious in pvps" she is also cant be amazed easily. She is a slave, not with the virtual sense of "slave" but with the inner meaning, which means she always cared for those who once were her friends or those who once helped her, she is ready to do ANYHthing for them. You just need to show her some love. She also always walks behind the wall "phrase" if u had no space in ur bank and want to store ur items u can give it to her.

    NUMBER 7: FrontLinerCDV also known as chris, a motherefer fat defender, yes fukin fat. He didn't really care for anything, he just played for the sake of fun, he doesn't care if u are his best friend if u said or did something wrong which he witnessed then he would say u are wrong.

    NUMBER 6: TheHellHunter, was a nice forum mod, maybe u couldn't see him as the real him because of what he were a "forum mod" but yeh he was nice.

    NUMBER 5: Kingz, also known as leo, number 2 rohan most skilled player. If you ever saw a pvp video with good quality then that's made by him. Idk, I mean, he doesn't really talk too much, maybe that explains why he was a good player.

    NUMBER 4: Imba, the legendary Number 1 mostskilled rohan player ever. Yes, you can thank him for Forever being a great guild, you also can thank him for most of the pvp strategies that people still use some of them until now. For those who don't know he is egyptian or that at least what I know.

    NUMBER 3: ShadowAce, Iceyy. Rohan's troll subject, yeh she was here since rohan release. She wasn't really ever a factor, I mean she had nothing that could make her a factor, she was always an easy troll even from her guildies.
    Yes she lies alot about her items, people look at her with the eyes of compassion. But you can't deny if she was ever a factor to ur eyes then her knowledge about the game is what made her so.

    NUMBER 2: EAGLEPHOENIX, omigod how I hate that motherefer, he knows why. Anyways, his ego is so big, not an ego for himself, nah, he doesn't care emotionally when u shi87t him, tho he would care logically yeh, but he has ego for his friends or as called the "blind love" he is the opposite of chris if u argued with his real good friends he wouldn't care if u were right or u were wrong he would just still defend his friends ( 1 example from billions of examples, he once killed me in divinity while I was lvling with his friend who flamed me he came with his dekan sooshi and killed me) . He never really had a good champion, neither he had a max lvld one. He I believe has the most wall of posts that were ever written in any kind of forum.

    Now we will mention some honorable names before moving to NUMBER 1:
    Voimesta: a master piece and king of trolls, he had his unique way of trolling, if u focused on how he trolls u would notice that his trolls were never relative to the gameplay it was more relative to the guy who is being trolled.

    Shawn and Frank: I put those 2 in the same line as they both are common in 1 thing, which is showing off. ohhh I don't even need proofs for that.

    Isheteria: a motherefer smart asss, I always loved his name, I mean bruh his name is cool.

    NUMBER 1: Lyrical, the legendary, also known as rohan's mom. She made rohan, she is queen of dramas. People never really took her seriously because they know that not being serious is a part of the drama movies that she does in this forum.
    Last edited by rockyy9; 05-15-2015 at 04:58 AM.

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