they shud reset the leaderboard on there. some of those people dont even play anymore. and some of them only got stage 15 because off the + 200% attack elements. which isnt fair.. me and rock solo just 2 temps and 1 def cud get stage 9 EASY with the 200% attack stuff. thats like doing a charge the most money event from now till server merge.. but allowing ALL the rps u ever charged since day 1 be included.

also they shud make some rule.. like they do on radio stations.. if u have already won small event u are unable to win anotherr for 30 days.. if win MAJOR event u are unable to win for 90 days or something. these events are basically for the top top tier of players. so the strongest will win and what do they get?? stuff to make even stronger further widening the gap between the best and mediocre.