
I wasn't sure where to write about it so lets say I think it should belong here.
I've got a few questions regarding The Isen Adventures daily missions.

If my math is correct, you can get ONLY 1650 points in total from doing dailies since the beginning of the event till the end. (12.08 - 16.09, 5 weeks, 35 days)
So, waste your ash dung entries on one - three days then you won't be able to get the GRAND prize for 1,6k points which is........ Grade A equipment abradant. Seriously? All the stuff you have to do, logging to a website, spending your time in game 3 hrs, doing elemental dungeon and ash every day for 35 days straight just to get this... Abradant? I mean lol, you forget to do one of the mission for few days or even you just don't have time to do these missions for 2 days and you won't get 1,6k points no matter what. (Not like it's worth in my opinion anyway)
Of course you don't have to choose abradants. I'm just saying how it looks like from a person's perspective who would spend their time on these missions every day and get a reward like this from it. I'd be disappointed.

Ok after this wall of text here are my questions:
1) Would GMs reconsider change of the prizes or at least points needed for them?
2) What kind of mount is that you get from this event for 1,2k points? Is it 30 days 100% mobility dung sz? Or maybe is it permament? (wishful thinking)

Any other opinion than mine?