Quote Originally Posted by princetralala View Post
Lemme start then. Anne Rice's Interview with the vampire! Watched it for like 10 times or more? I can't really remember how many times I've watched it but for me that's the best film ever!
I think I've watched that movie about that many times aswell. Always been a top fave of mine. Totally love it (I prolly rate it more than I have Bram Stoker's Dracula which is also a massive fave of mine). People give Tom Cruise soooo much hate and claim him to be a sh1tty actor, but his role in that movie was phenomenal. Tom was born for the role of Lestat and he embodied everything that is that character. Seductive, funny, charming, troubled, inquisitive, charismatic. He was just so perfect

“Life has no meaning any more does it? The wine has no taste, the food sickens you, there seems no
reason for any of it, does there? But what if I could give it back to you. Pluck out the pain, and give you
another life, one you could never imagine, and it would be for all time. And sickness and death could
never touch you again.
Don't be afraid, I'm going to give you the choice, I, never, had.”

Enough rambling about that movie lol.

I just recently watched Stonehearst Asylum. Loved it.

I thought it may have been a little predictable at times but that didn't matter in the sightliest once the movie was over. Was defiantly enjoyable

P.s Anyone watch Penny Dreadful? Season 2 will be here soon and I cant wait!!