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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by zyklo22 View Post
    Guy, I could give a ****less about said rewards lol.

    I'm not willing to spend a significant amount of time just to get to 115 under a month, no. And you're crying as you've been there and gotten to 115, lmao!

    The rewards were changed as of today after they questioned players' thoughts. The scaling of blunt mastery is insane and has always been an issue, let alone a tali's club +12 with (169 INT/PSY/VIT/+x attack) socketed with attack force. Provided it's a huge advantage over any other class with a glacial weapon capped at 40%. Literally destroys balance.
    I ownder if you would get ur char to 115 , one of the firsts in server! Shouldn't you get a fair reward ? Affter all its not so easy to get 115 in 1 month , And yes im going to get 115 before the 28/8 And its not going to be so much peopel that getting that +12 , Only few .
    Cause its the first one to get there in 1 guild and the members that get affter him from same guild.
    And what made me level that fast is the rewards , I guess it pushed me to be more active and probably get 115.
    No , It doesn't destroy balance , Cause u still can get those talis dont you? You do +12 chimera and transfer to tali u make it +12 and transfer to opaniel , so that way only rich peopel will get that tali +12 , Which says it ruins the server that says , Every1 are equal and that this server is based on crones.
    Peopls who actually put of their personal time to level and get that tali +12 deserve it wayyyy more then peopel who just gonna buy it.

    So now kid gtfo and admit u dont know a about whats going on.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by xAGIxNUBx View Post
    I ownder if you would get ur char to 115 , one of the firsts in server! Shouldn't you get a fair reward ? Affter all its not so easy to get 115 in 1 month , And yes im going to get 115 before the 28/8 And its not going to be so much peopel that getting that +12 , Only few .
    Cause its the first one to get there in 1 guild and the members that get affter him from same guild.
    And what made me level that fast is the rewards , I guess it pushed me to be more active and probably get 115.
    No , It doesn't destroy balance , Cause u still can get those talis dont you? You do +12 chimera and transfer to tali u make it +12 and transfer to opaniel , so that way only rich peopel will get that tali +12 , Which says it ruins the server that says , Every1 are equal and that this server is based on crones.
    Peopls who actually put of their personal time to level and get that tali +12 deserve it wayyyy more then peopel who just gonna buy it.

    So now kid gtfo and admit u dont know a about whats going on.
    Quote Originally Posted by xAGIxNUBx View Post
    Pff that so nice that u decided to change the rewards when peopel already putted the max effort for those prizes , And payed too much money for scrolls and packs , Now whats the point of being one of the first 115 chars in server?
    And lets not forget that prize that only 115 should get will be also available for other peopel in future so its kinda useless , Fail again.
    Quote Originally Posted by xAGIxNUBx View Post
    I ownder if u really know a single **** about whats happening ... It was announced that the prizes are Tali's weapon of choice +12 and a talisman magical +7 of choice . Dont talk if u dont know.
    You really dont care cause u couldn't get that 115 level so shut the fk up and let peopel with at least half brain to talk
    Maybe you should've look before u posted that comment. what u have to say now ? angry moron
    Hello! the general consensus in the discussion thread was that players were getting too much of an advantage for getting to lvl 115 first and that giving their entire guild a free ride was not a wise decision. As such the rewards have changed (see the original post). Your voice has been heard however there will be no more changes as ordered by atzigan:

    Quote Originally Posted by Atzigan View Post
    Rewards are now final

    Now onto a more personal note do you really want such a huge advantage over the rest of the players/guilds on the server? A +6 ticket means you get your chimera to +6 and you got yourself a tali get a tali to +6 and you got yourself an opaniel thats good enough as it is and why do your guildies deserve a +12 tali club (because who would get any other weapon). These rewards are reasonable and give you a head start in gearing your char not a significant advantage like the previous one did. With this I hope you will see that all the people want is a fun server and its not fun to be at such a disadvantage from the start. You already will be a higher level than most of the population which means you get a head start on all bosses and farming you probably will be the only ones in power arena for a week is that not enough of an advantage?

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Hello! the general consensus in the discussion thread was that players were getting too much of an advantage for getting to lvl 115 first and that giving their entire guild a free ride was not a wise decision. As such the rewards have changed (see the original post). Your voice has been heard however there will be no more changes as ordered by atzigan:

    Now onto a more personal note do you really want such a huge advantage over the rest of the players/guilds on the server? A +6 ticket means you get your chimera to +6 and you got yourself a tali get a tali to +6 and you got yourself an opaniel thats good enough as it is and why do your guildies deserve a +12 tali club (because who would get any other weapon). These rewards are reasonable and give you a head start in gearing your char not a significant advantage like the previous one did. With this I hope you will see that all the people want is a fun server and its not fun to be at such a disadvantage from the start. You already will be a higher level than most of the population which means you get a head start on all bosses and farming you probably will be the only ones in power arena for a week is that not enough of an advantage?
    Dude, listen, not because you are scared, you can't lvl, you don't know how to lvl, that means its unfair advantage. Atizgan said the rewards are final so they are, now stop trying to bs over bs. We all know that ken out lvld ya all because he did everything from the scrolls, seals to staying awake for most of the time, you did nothing of those so stop QQin.
    Stop talking about disadvantages aight, you know that you have zerg prepared there. because then again, +6 talisman and +6 ticket won't really be big difference (Lets not repeat this again, stop trying to fail hard ok?)
    Higher lvl doesn't mean anything of what you said, there are already more than 10 people who can enter pa. Beside, all the rewards u get from pa can be taken with crones.
    Because then again, it's the final decision, and you won't do anything about it. So stop QQin and get more zerg.
    Try hardur, kk?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by xAGIxNUBx View Post
    I ownder if you would get ur char to 115 , one of the firsts in server! Shouldn't you get a fair reward ? Affter all its not so easy to get 115 in 1 month , And yes im going to get 115 before the 28/8 And its not going to be so much peopel that getting that +12 , Only few .
    Cause its the first one to get there in 1 guild and the members that get affter him from same guild.
    And what made me level that fast is the rewards , I guess it pushed me to be more active and probably get 115.
    No , It doesn't destroy balance , Cause u still can get those talis dont you? You do +12 chimera and transfer to tali u make it +12 and transfer to opaniel , so that way only rich peopel will get that tali +12 , Which says it ruins the server that says , Every1 are equal and that this server is based on crones.
    Peopls who actually put of their personal time to level and get that tali +12 deserve it wayyyy more then peopel who just gonna buy it.

    So now kid gtfo and admit u dont know a about whats going on.
    Yea at a chance of 0.00000000000000000000000000001% of rolling 7,7,7 at dungeon? Lol it isn't about being able to get them afterwards or not anyway. But these weapons make the whole game look unbalanced again and it doesn't make sense.
    You'd hit them jack with a ****ty 40% glacial weapon while they're constantly spamming you 5k+, totally balanced. True fact is simply true, stubborn whiny child. It is a fair reward because reinforcing anything isn't easily done either.

    PWI, I'm appreciative of the resources and effort you've put in but really hoping to see these weapons removed from the game.

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