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  1. #1

    Lightbulb Feedback and stuff....

    Hi . Here is my opinion .

    The rewards / level could have been a lot better , for example you raised the price of every exp scroll and pack . With the price raise..those 50% scrolls were more than welcomed...

    We get 1 day costumes as reward...that help us boost the lvl too fast...It is ok if you play all day like a psychopath ...so you can get to the lvl 45 costume ...But what do you do after that costume ? ( And don't forget that not everyone has the time to reach 45 in 1 day )

    Since we boost the lvl so fast..when the costume will expire we won't be able to survive almost nowhere close to our current lvl.
    From that comes the need for crones .

    And wtf ? for LVL 85-90 REWARDS? WHAT THE ?????....there are so much better rewards untill that level ...what happend? You ran out of ideeas and throwed a monkey and a trophy there ?...I mean...c'mon its lvl 85/90 you struggled a little to get there...give that man a bigger bone ..

    Now to the " removed crone blabla bla Isen " topic.
    I always wanted to ask if anyone is testing this things before they get implemented in the game....for what I can see until now , no one has tested if we can exploit buggs / crone buggs / items that shouldn't be able to go to IM and they do...etc.
    You just throw it at us...then yell at us for using what you gave us -_-".

    You don't understand that a person that doesn't invest money in a "TOTALLY FREE TO PLAY " game will search for the even the littlest glitch and abuse it , if that will give him a chance to be closer to the people that pay.

    You should test the server or get some volunteers to test the server before you release it ...

    RATES :

    Item drop rates are awfull ....that's it...they are awfull...
    You need to farm 2 hours on a spot to get 2 items in your inventory.

    Exp rate is good O-o i don't have anything to argue here....just that you removed the scrolls from the rewards and raised the price of the scrolls on em...but I already said that.

    Forge/Refine rate ....When you first announced that the server will open . You said something like " don't expect it to be as low as Jin or as high as Ran " I'm too lazy to search for the actual quote.

    Well you did it...the forge refine is perfectly ballanced betwen those 2 servers.
    I mean ...i get 1 succes ( makes me feel like im playing on Ran ) then i get 1 fail ( I feel like I play on Jin ) and the circle repeats to infinity. You can't dlvl an item...its impossible...you would probably need forge/reffine event + guild buffs...Makes me feel more like on Jin..
    It is a trully awesome experience.

    Except that ....Isen is awesome , full of players you can find a party at anytime .

    Sry for the long post , no ideea if I will be warned/banned etc. for anything that I said or something like that ....c'ya
    Last edited by GrayFB; 07-23-2014 at 06:31 PM.

  2. #2
    I personaly agree whit all you say the Item drop rate its bad i make like 15k crone till 30 so the crone drop its bad too and its how u say the saerver was just made and trowed at us without any test.
    I rly want to start play again rohan on the official server but if they want us to play like that its imposible in 1 day u lose all the items they gave us and you will be "naked" and whithout money then its time to quit .. i rly hope that they will wach the feedback

  3. #3
    I have 2mils already...you're just going into spot for levels instead for crone/drops spot...that's it.

  4. #4
    If you have 2 mil....from crone + drops ...you are not a good liar....you abused the crone thingy like everyone else ^_^ . I can barely get 1 mil if I stay some good hours afk at spire / roha with someone that has lucky stone ....

  5. #5
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Belgium - In the sky, looking down upon you.
    Don't fret, I've made at least 9k crones by now and all that by myself.

    Now, if I would just find my old account info back - then I could make that scout to at least have a farmers class - farming with a guardian soks , but then again.. leveling two chars when I can't even level one in 6 years time - ugh.

    .-.. --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -. ... M A Y D A Y .-.. --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -. ...
    Keep your friends close - your farmers closer
    Leveling slow - to give you a headstart

    BlazingSun | Sushi | Mischievous
    Gasten die ik droeg en zich nu niet gedragen voor hen werd liefde gekoesterd maar is nu diep begraven
    Bladzijde zoveel omgeslaan, de strepen die ik verdiend heb heb ik veel opgestaan
    En voor ik ga slapen stel ik u voor aan mijn normen en waarden
    Peasant | Farmer | Rancher

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