Hello !
Once this server becomes live, we will be making a guild (name will be live soon, we are still voting). We are looking for players who will be active, participate in boss hunts, tsb, and wars (hopefully there'll be a large community). You will see a lot of familiar people both from ran and Jin.
We are currently organising who will play what, crafters and gatherers. We are hoping to hit 115+10 in a month or 2, and be geared. We won't be rpking as of yet, it'll be nice for everyone to be equally lvled and geared. Currently there are 20+ of us, spoken to a lot more others and have agreed to join.
If you'd like to join and discuss some things, our Facebook page is GameBuggerz Rohan Group.
See you all next week rohanians !
Ps: MinTea is returning , for those who miss me QQ. Bai