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  1. #1

    Any gm please help t_t

    He scammed me with the red chip thing that cost 100m on the description item, on market he said that the thing can be sell it on npc but it cant (i didnt know) and i payed him 95m for it because he said he gonna quit the game so he sell it 5m more cheap than the description of the item that said you can sell it on npc 100m. please any GM for Seal online section help me with this! he didnt want to give back my money 95m my Char Ryuhei / Kizu , scammer IGN Foxashuza

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    You will need to contact the GM staff using the support system. Depending on the nature of how the red chip was acquired we can exchange it for you.

  3. #3
    Thank you for the fast reply dear GM Rapturous i hope will get my money back soon >.<

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