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  1. #1

    Seal Client CRASH on DIEmWin 0xc0000417 on location 0x458b7098

    After emergency maintenance on mid-July, my seal client windows always crash on that error.

    Usually about 20 minutes once.
    Sometime every 5-10 minutes.

    I'm using Windows 7 Professional 64bit.
    i've already reinstall the seal client, the problem still exists. i've submit email to GM, but still no response.

    please help...

  2. #2
    same issue. got crash when using win 7. now i'm using win 8 64bit and still CRASH.

  3. #3
    Same issue ,
    please help us GM


  4. #4
    same issue, please help us GM.

    when im afk-ing my char, the seal client always crash.
    location crash: field, city, dungeon all same, 'it took like seeing someone using an missing item file and then the client crashed.'

    kindly reply please.

  5. #5
    Is it still no response ? I'm very frustating about this issue, cant do anything cause always crash about 5-15 mins .. I use win 7 pro 64bit too...

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