Mage is one of the range class available in Shiltz beside Jester and Hunter. With their magic power, they are able to wipe out their enemies with their magic.

So, why you should choose mage?

- Ranged skil: you wouldn't get hit ~.~
- High damage skill: one hit = die? u yeee
- Ice and Fire: Control 2 elements. so cool meh :|
- Hit and Run: 1 skill not die yet? don't worry, run a bit and cast another skill

To get started, let's take a look on Mage stats.
INT, VIT, WIS is the most important stats for mage.
1 increment of INT give 1.2 MPW
1 increment of VIT give 10 HP and 0.6 DEF
1 increment of WIS give 25 AP

For the early level, it is wise to put all stats into INT since VIT and WIS not that important yet. WIS is taken for Mana Sheild skill purpose. VIT used for longer survivabilty.

Mage have 2 main skill. Ice or Fire.
Ice: Higher cool down rate, lower damage
Fire: Slower cool down rate, higher damage
Another important skill for mage is Mana Shield and Staff Booster.

Both of Ice and Fire skill, they have 2 kind of skill. AOE (Area of Effect) skills and Single skills. Some mage focus on Single skills rather than focus on the element (ice or fire).
AOE skills have lower damage than Single skills.

At level 80 each mage can choose their speciality. Ice mage or Fire mage. Firemastery and Icemastery. Each have uniques benefit. Fire mage can give burned status to the monster (additional damage) while Ice mage can give frozen status to the monster (slower movement speed).

How you choose the skills is depends on your playstyle. Some people like to gather the mobs around and use aoe skill. Some people like to kill the mobs one by one.

Single Skills Type Mage
Fireball: (req. lv10) throw fire match sticks on single enemy
Mega Fireball: (req. lv18) throw Fireball to single enemy
Fire Strike: (req. lv41) throw bigger fireball to single enemy
Mega Fire Strike: (req. lv65) throw bigger bigger fireball to single enemy
Frostbolt: (req. lv10) throw Icicle on single enemy
Mega Frostbolt: (req. lv18) throw massive icicles on single enemy
Ice Cube: (req. lv41) throw iceball on single enemy
Mega Ice Cube: (req. lv65) throw bigger iceball on enemy

Skills Build
Lv5 Fireball and Frostbolt (for Mega Fireball and Mega Frostbolt requirement)
Lv10 Mega Fireball and Mega Frostbolt
Lv10 Fire Strike and Ice Cube
Lv10 Mega Fire Strike and Mega Icecube

The other skills like Mana Shield and Staff Booster increased after Fire Strike and Ice Cube lv10 already. The main important skill to be leveled up first is the damage skill.

Area Skills Type Mage
Fireball: (req. lv10) throw fire match sticks on single enemy
Fire Storm: (req. lv16) create a fire storm AOE
Hell Burn: (req. lv28) summon fire sprites AOE
Meteor: (req. lv80) summon massive of meteor AOE
Frostbolt: (req. lv10) throw Icicle on single enemy
Ice Drill: (req. lv16) throw massive icicles on enemies AOE
Ice Dew: (req. lv28) creates a crystal of ice AOE
Blizzard: (req. lv80) summon freezing comet to the enemies AOE

Skills Build
Lv1 Fireball and Frostbolt (for Fire Storm and Ice Drill requirement)
Lv5 Fire Storm and Ice Drill (for Hell Burn and Ice Dew requirement)
Lv10 Hell Burn and Ice Dew
Lv10 Meteor and Blizzard

This type of mages are rarely seen in Shiltz because the level difference from Hell Burn skill to Meteor or Ice Dew skill to Blizzard is to wide and between that level, player will suffers to leveled up. Mages also have low def and slow movement speed therefore mages with AOE build will hardly survive. This build is NOT RECOMMENDED for early build. Meteor and Blizzard requires Scroll that cost cegels too.

Usually, mages will use AOE skills on higher level and that mages focus on element (for example leveled up their fire skills or ice skills only). Or they use the skills to get the skills effect (e.g: Ice Dew slows enemy movement) [CMIIW].