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  1. #1

    [Community Event] Internet Friends Day

    Greetings my dear Shiltzians!

    Lovers have enjoyed it, now it's the turn of the homies!

    We have a big community here.
    How many of you have met in the game and built up a friendship in real life?
    Have you met by video call or perhaps in “the real” world, or do you prefer to stay in virtual anonymity?
    We will love to read about your experiences!
    Share a photo with your friends, tell us one of your stories with them, and don't forget to leave your IGN and server in the comments section.

    Remember sharing is caring!

    We will choose 10 winners for the best anecdotes.


    10x Game-Master's Piya Gra
    ✨1x Blessed Pink Diamond
    ✨1x Evolution Leaf (20%)
    ✨ 3x 4 Leaf Clover


    ⚠️ The event starts on February 25th and ends on March 1st.
    ⚠️ Rewards will be sent on March 2nd.
    ⚠️ One account PER PLAYER.
    ⚠️ Multiple accounts will reduce the chances of winning.
    ⚠️ Be aware that we are allowed to disqualify entries that we deem not eligible for rewards for being incomplete, incorrect, or unrelated to the event.

    We are counting on your participation.

    Love Seal!
    Seal BOD Team ^^

  2. #2
    Serf lissura's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2019
    IGN : Lissura
    Server: Duran

    pict link : https://imgur.com/a/HgY4IAr
    This is my special moment with my friends.
    I have a small and pretty much fun Guild a.k.a Under Construction consisting only 7 members (including me) but numbers here doesn't matter. We came from different city, 3 of us came from Jakarta, and the rest is located in another country, we also came with different culture. Covid sucks, it prevent us to do Gathering in Offline . FYi, im the only FEMALE in this guild, I live alone, and well, they made me feel special <3
    There are lots of cute moments we've spent but the the moment i love the most is....
    As a muslim, there's something called Fasting where we have to abstaining from eat, drink, smoking, and sexual activity since 04.00 am to 18.00PM. Usually I do Sahur at 03.00 AM (Sahur is eat & drink as the meal consumed early before we start Fasting)
    We all know that 03.00AM is a time where we all supposed to be sleep, but not for me and the rest of muslim in Fasting month. But in last year's fasting, there is no day i spent my Sahur alone. My guildmate is always there through Discord giving me company to do Sahur. Sometimes they invite their friends to join our Discord and turn on their camera too! There are days when I break our Fasting at 18.00, they're also there in Discord to accompany me! ��. As a person who live alone, having them during my Fasting month is something i'll never forget <3
    Last edited by lissura; 02-25-2022 at 07:28 PM. Reason: i want to show the picture but occured error so i can only post the link :(

  3. #3
    Ign : Bacardionice
    server : Duran
    pict link : https://imgkub.com/image/bmHZz

    So this is the story about me and my friend,mr AB.We've meet at late december 2021.We doin so much time together conqouering many dungeon just Duo ,such like WTW,Sage dungeon,einhorn dungeon,Boss killing,etc.

    Lately we decide to participate at level jump event whicis make us so enthusiast to make new character again because GX potion reward is so tempting ��.We play almost everyday everynight,spending some times to chat about our daily activity and trolling each other ��.Until Covid hit me and all of my family,so i need to take a rest for a moment.I hope my all of us safe and i can play Seal again untill morning ����

  4. #4
    Ign : Freehugs
    Server : Duran


    Hey, I'm rizky. I wanna share my story that I meet my "in game" friend in "real life".
    So, I've been playing Seal Online Blades of Destiny since 2015. I always use "female" characters to get attention and to get someone to talk to in game (because that's the easiest way for me even tho I am a "male". Hahaha). I used to join guild to get some new friends and some "mentor" in game.
    So I meet this guy. He's name is Adi. He's living in Bali island which is not really far from my home town in Malang East Java.
    He always carried me in the game, doing some **** together, going to dungeons, hunting and even trolling people together. We become best friends because of that.
    And after 2 years later playing this game. Our guild disbanded on 2017 because everybody get busy and have a "real life". Some get married the other get a job and going to university.
    But the best part is we still keep in touch on our group in WhatsApp and discord.
    And sharing our lives.

    On 2019 I can't believe that I can meet one of my "best friend" (in game) in real live it was unplanned meeting.
    It was Friday morning that I'm planning to go to Jember, to my lil brother's university to help him delivered his home work (because he don't have license so I'm the one who drives). After we done that, he said "let's driving around to the harbour instead of going home. I wanna know the road and we've never visit that place before". The harbour is actually around 80 kilometers from my lil brother's dorm. And then I said "sure yeah".
    The funny thing is after we arrive in harbor, he suddenly said "Why don't we cross the harbor and come back at once. I want to feel like riding a ship and set foot for the first time on the island of bali". And I'm agreed (again) with him.
    But after we crossed the harbour I decided to not stopping or get back to east java and trying to get as far as we can with riding my motorbike. Because I think that was the first and the only change we both can explore that beautiful island. We also stoping at the beach and some places to take photos and suddenly we arrived in Denpasar, the capital of Bali.
    It was around 9pm on Friday and we looking for places to rest (like mosque or gas station).
    And suddenly I realized that I have someone I know who living in this island. I contact Adi (my best friend in game) on WhatsApp and then he said "ARE YOU FOR REAL THAT YOU'RE DRIVING TO GET HERE?. You and your brother can stay at my place dude. I'm sending my location right now."

    And I'm so glad that we have safe place to sleep and rest. On that night I meet him (my best friend game) for the first time. We talk a lot about how can I get there, talk about game and many more before I sleep.

    And then when I woke up in the morning I decided to go to home (because it was just an unplanned trip and cost 8 hours to drive). We also stopping at some place to take a pic (again). Hahaha.

    What a great experience!

  5. #5
    IGN :Boombapp
    Server : Duran
    image link : https://ibb.co/7YV7qry

    There's a story behind this picture.It's me and my sensei that inspiring me to play Archer job.We've meet at Lime at his guild base.My first time impression with him is little bit awkward because we talk english first,then i accidentaly talking with my native languange,but then suddenly he talk with same languange as me.Latter we know that we are from the same City :v.

    Short story we've spend many time chit chat in game and sometimes we doin some dungeon together,as an newbie archer i've learn alot about this job from him and i can say that he's pretty well knowing about this job's build.Thats why i tell him to make me his apprentice lol.Anyway so many times we spent together in Seal and almost 1 Year i've been playin around with him.It so happy to find someone with same hobby with u and with the same humour sense ^^.Thats the story about me and my internet friends !
    Last edited by reyhanyudha; 02-28-2022 at 09:16 AM. Reason: typo

  6. #6
    Ign : Gautier
    Server : Duran
    image : https://ibb.co/C0ZCsLm

    The story begin in 2017/2018, in first time i played alone in seal bod. until i meet Neighborhoods Guild i'm not alone anymore.
    Stoppretending, Jhinn, Jenstan, Capt, M4el, Lynoe, Mansherry, Zabudcute, Gomblohman, Memories, and many more make me playing seal online with fun and enjoy this game.
    we make a reunion in malang city 2018 but only 4 people. hope someday can gathering together all ex-member neighborhoods.
    We play together from zero to hero to conquer this shiltz. but in 2020 our member include me retired to play seal online because of real life (married, work, and etc) but we still communicate through Whatssapp messenger till now. And want to do reunion once again.

  7. #7
    IGN : Brofat
    Server : Duran

    This is the story of my friendship and a random player in seal bod. I ran into her by accident while I was looking for the equipment I needed for my character. suddenly she offered me his equipment. I asked the price and she gave me a ridiculous price, suddenly I laughed and she laughed too. we communicate with each other and become closer and closer and become playmates in the BOD online seal. I frequently contacted her via the whisper on seal bod to exchange information on equipment prices and information about ongoing quests and events. we also hunted together until the raid quest with sqariel (even though in the end we lost lol)


  8. #8
    IGN: Morascha
    Server: Duran
    image link : https://imgur.com/SNfkCBR

    My guild is Underconstruction and we are small guild. Because we have few member it made us bound each other, we're so close because we do talk and dungeon everyday after work. One day we open our sage hard box and we got Gambler Weapon, because we all are so happy then someone is initiating a gathering in Grand Indonesia and eat together to celebrate the box. The funniest moment is we dont know or each other's faces and never met before. We all met. I arrived first and i approach my friend first, then we walk to our meet up point and a girl who came from our guild (she is the only female in my guild) and she say "Hi" and waving her hand at me.. but i prank her by asking "who are you looking for, miss? do we know each other?" And make her embarrassed because she thinks she greet wrong person while actually she greet the right one. I cant stop laughing looking at her blushing face and she cant stop hiding her face with her hands. I keep telling this joke to the rest of the guild and they all keep laughing and thats the funny moment of our first gathering. And I am still laughing typing this for our event hahaha poor girl.

  9. #9
    IGN : Babybun
    Server : Duran
    Photo Link : https://imgur.com/a/O6KKUEN

    I will tell you about the experience of playing Seal Online BOD with friends I know through in-game.
    A few years ago I joined a guild to make it easier communicate about Seal or everyday life. Within the guild, I got a lot of information about Seal that I didn't know about before. I also had a lot of fun leveling together, farming, and dungeons. We also had direct meetings to strengthen the relationship.
    Then in the last 2 years we only met virtually. The photo above is one of our virtual meetings in the current state. Even so, the daily routine of playing seal continues.
    For me, meeting in "the real" world or virtual is the same, the most important thing is to maintain communication.

  10. #10
    IGN: Zanitha
    Server: Duran


    in 2020 we met when dungeon together. He's always been kind to me, taught me a lot about this game.

    Day after day, event after event we go through together, the TOJ drop event from WTW is the most favorite for us, because with WTW we can collect a lot of TOJ and sell it.

    Time went so fast, we started chatting in real life via LINE, he was in Singapore and I was in Indonesia. We are very close and share many things in the game.

    I will never forget the moment we both had. Thank you for accompanying me to play all this time. I'am so happy to meet you

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