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  1. #1

    whats the use of ,Prayer for fasting ?

    I gotten several papers named , Prayer for fasting with different numbers on
    , 1 to 6 , whats the use of them , can one sell them to make crones or what ?

  2. #2
    I would really like to know this as well Bruce133. I wish there was a list of all items and what the purpose is as guessing what to use them with or for is a daunting task. I have searched high and low on all platforms including this one.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by bruce133 View Post
    I gotten several papers named , Prayer for fasting with different numbers on
    , 1 to 6 , whats the use of them , can one sell them to make crones or what ?
    I remember this quest way back RBF and it's not worth following thru, the NPC/s are all scattered around Sheileyah map it's easy and like I said not worth it

  4. #4
    We will add your suggestion to our report.

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