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  1. #1
    Playwith Staff
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Guild Logo ⚜️ - Now Available!

    Greetings, Rohanians!

    Welcome to the Official Guide on how to register your Guild Logo. Let's get started!

    1. Introduction
    ㄴ Requirements for Creating your Guild
    2. How to Activate your Logo
    ㄴ Procedure.
    3. GM Notes
    ㄴ Guild Ranking/Info
    ㄴ Tips to create your TGA File Guild Logo
    ㄴ Main Questions

    Use [CTRL + F] to quickly find your preferred content!

    1. Introduction:

    > Requirements for Creating a Guild

    All the players can create a guild as long their character is minimum level 30, have 2 million crones, and complete the Guild Creations Quests:

    (2 Methods!): Click here for more information

    2. How to Activate your Logo:

    Once you created or already have your guild, you can check your Guild Information on the official REV Website.

    Official Website: https://rev.playrohan.com/

    > Procedure

    Step 1. Only the Guild Master can add the logo and must log in to the official website.

    Step 2. Click on GUIDE and then on GUILD INFO.

    Step 3. Scroll down, type the guild name, and write your Guild Name on the Search Bar.


    * Click on the Guild Name for more details.

    Step 4. The guild info will display, then click on GUILD MARK MANAGEMENT.

    * This option will be only available for Game Masters.

    Step 5. A menu will display, and the player can choose between the marks available or upload a created picture.

    * You have a single opportunity to upload or select your guild logo. If you choose a logo you're not satisfied with, changing it will require a waiting period of 15 days.

    * A 15-day limit on guild logo registration and deletion has been added:
    -> After registering a guild logo, you can register a new guild logo 15 days later.
    -> After deleting the guild logo, you can delete it again after 15 days.

    * The changes are applied within 24 hours.
    * The size of the file to upload must be TGA/ size: 16x16/ color: 32bit.
    * If the above conditions are not met, it will not be registered.

    3. GM Notes:

    > Guild Ranking/Info

    Even if you are a regular guild member or have not joined a guild, you can search for currently created guilds through the guild information in the Guild Ranking Tab.

    *Guild Information is updated daily.

    > Tips to create your TGA File Guild Logo

    * In order to make your logo you will need to use a software like Photoshop or GIMP:


    * Feel free to share your tutorials on our Discord and other Channels to help more players make their logo!

    > Main Questions

    Q: GM, The Guild Logo File format is TGA, so I tried to convert it and register that file, but an error occurred, what should I do?

    A: To Register the file size must be 16x16, the format .tga, and the color 32bit, if the 3 conditions are met there will be no problems.

    Q: GM, I saved and uploaded the file format as.tga, but it does not show up in-game:

    A: That is because the file color is not converted to 32 bit or is not 16x16, you can register your guild logo by saving first the format as .bmp, then converting it to 32-bit and then saving it as .tga again.

    Best regards,
    -R.O.H.A.N.: Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends
    Last edited by SasoreGM; Yesterday at 12:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Playwith Staff SasoreGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Hello again Rohanians!

    An update regarding the Guild Logo:

    We've just applied the required fixes to the <Guild Logo> to work on all resolutions (without passing through objects like walls).

    We confirm that the Guild Logo should work on all resolutions enabled in-game.

    We kindly ask Guild-Masters to re-enable their Guild Logo and check its functionality.

    Best regards,
    -R.O.H.A.N. Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends
    Last edited by SasoreGM; 12-24-2023 at 06:46 AM.

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