Hello everybody!
I am coming back to rohan after 5-6 years, I have been playing and getting info this week but I still have some doubts.
*Where is the best place to farm? I have seen that doing minor is a good way, what about spots to leave my character with HK?
*what armor should I get? I have doubts about making an Opaniel, Onyx or just enhance my glacial armor? what gems do I need to put in the sockets?
*It loooks too expensive to make opaniel, is there another way to make +12 the armor parts? or just buying the stones from IM?
* I have an upgrade glacial weapon, is it safe to make it +5 +12 and trans?? I wouldn't like to break it
I would like to get some rps with real money... but of course, i don't wanna waste them on making things that are bad this days or maybe there are more options to get rps ingame, most of my things are much cheaper now. that's why I would like to make the best items that I can. I have seen there is no people on PM looking for party as well :S
Thanks for the info!!