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  1. #1

    Post Ip mall need update? Open for everyone opinion let's discuss

    Hello. I wanna hears from all players how we can improve IP Mall with new added items that can help to us and for most important to new players. What I think will better if they add items in IP MALL for "IP TICKET" will be this list on items.
    Number 1.AES/SES (NOT 100%) so players at least can farm IP TICKET and try to make skills 7 lvl what will boost charakter power and again can try to farm end game gears and try to compete with veteran players.
    Number 2.Costume 2 sockets.
    Number 3.Patterns (20-30% weaker version than what we have in ITEM MALL so players who can't spend monkey on game but can spend time by farming can at least put weaker version of patterns and can try to compete with veteran players).
    Number 4. Mounts ( slower version lets say 60-80% move speed it gives so we all can be fast like players who spend money if we farm IP TICKET).
    Number 5. Badge of Victory ( make it cost a little bit hight IP lets say because with this item we can upgrade a lot of thinks) maybe someone from veteran players can comment about this we need to add it or no.
    Number 6. title. ( there is a lot of title in game i think there is way to make lets add few title in IP SHOP and make them cost lets say a lot IP so players can farm farm farm and get even title good and be stronger)
    Number 7. Pet ticket ( wanna hear veteran players what they think about this because I think these pets cost way to much i understand that it suck who spend a lot of money or time to get it but for new player to have at least pet who give good stat is very important because all old players who reach +50 lvl can make extra stat like int vit or any other stat by farming so just thinking about that it's very very VERY hard for new players to cast you.
    My English isn't very good but I hope you guys understand what I mean. I would love to hear all you opinions how we can improve RIGHT NOW lets stay at IP MALL. Tell what you think GM need to add there. because with new good items we can go and farm IP ticket because we can get good items. [/SIZE]

  2. #2
    Playwith Staff SasoreGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Hello liutauras!

    Regarding your suggestions:

    First of all, thank you for taking the time to write us all your suggestions. We are always aware of the suggestions especially here and on Discord as well as on our other official channels.

    There are several points which we agree, and It will be discussed with the GM Team, any decision made regarding this topic should be announced to all the Rohanians.

    ⭐ Finally, we recommend to you join our Discord Server where you will find the most experienced players and the entire team of GMs, who will be willing to help you in this adventure.: Click here

    Best regards
    -R.O.H.A.N. Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends
    Last edited by SasoreGM; 03-23-2023 at 06:43 PM.

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