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  1. #1
    Playwith Staff
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    [Guide] Lucky Number 🎱

    Greetings Rohanians!

    Here's a guide to show you the [Lucky Number's] System, which is like the Lottery in real life.
    However, the [Lucky Numbers] in R.O.H.A.N. Eternal Vengeance is free and you have a chance at getting awesome rewards!

    1. How to use
    ㄴ Instructions

    ㄴ Rewards Table
    ㄴ How I Claim my Rewards?
    2. GM Notes
    ㄴ Cautions
    ㄴ Winning Example
    ㄴ Rewards Update & other Improvements

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    1. How to use: 🎱

    > Instructions

    * You can see the [Lucky Number] Window as an icon with the number '50' which is located on the far-right side of screen.

    * After playing for at least an hour after logging in, you can claim your Lucky Number by clicking the [Check] Button inside of the [Lucky Number] System.

    * You need to be logged at least 1 hour to obtain 1 try to roll your lucky number (maximum one number per day).

    ⚠️ When you click the [Lucky Number Draw] button, a number from 1 to 50 will be selected.
    ⚠️ [Lucky Number] System is limited to claiming a Lucky Number once a day per account.

    > Rewards Table

    Here's the Item Table for [Lucky Numbers]

    ⚠️ The lucky number rewards may change from time to time.

    [How to Win]
    1 number matches with Winning Numbers = 7th grade
    2 numbers = 6th grade
    3 numbers = 5th grade
    4 numbers = 4th grade
    5 numbers = 3rd grade
    6 numbers = 2nd grade
    7 numbers = 1st grade

    > How to Claim my Rewards?

    *Remember that the Cycle of Lucky Number System starts on Wednesday 01.00 PDT Time and ends every Wednesday 00:00 PDT.
    *If you have several winning numbers, you have to wait until the new cycle and follow the steps in the following example:

    * Rewards can be received only 7 days after a new cycle starts and will be deleted if not received within the mentioned period.

    2. GM Notes: 🎱

    > Cautions

    ⚠️ If you re-login to the character while there is remaining waiting time, the waiting time will be reset. Please stay logged in.
    ⚠️ The Cycle of Lucky Number is starting on Wednesday 01:00 PDT and ending on the next Wednesday 00:00 PDT.
    ⚠️ The lucky number is settled and reset every Wednesday at midnight, and rewards are paid out using the lucky number drawn during the regular maintenance every Wednesday.
    ⚠️ After claiming the reward, it will be in the event inventory, it will disappear in two weeks if it is not moved to the main inventory.

    > Winning Example

    Win Example

    * Thanks to the player MorningStarz for sharing his experience using the Lucky Number System.

    > Rewards Update & other Improvements



    To avoid losing your prizes, please make sure to redeem any prizes that you have won within 6 days after the week that Lucky Number session has ended.

    Best regards,
    -R.O.H.A.N.: Eternal Vengeance Team
    Vengeance Never Ends

    Last edited by SasoreGM; 10-30-2024 at 01:42 AM.

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