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  1. #1

    Can we still open 2 windows game at the same time and how to do so?

    I just came back to play this game and i did try sandbox but it not work. So i want to know that can we still use it or not. Thx

  2. #2
    You can, but your gaming will be very unstable as GameGuard gets stupid if one of them is closed or crashes.
    There is nothing noble about being superior to others. True nobility is gained by becoming superior to one's former self.

  3. #3
    No you can not, people from R.O.H.A.N forum tend to answere posts in SEAl forum without actually knowing what they respond to. Ignore him.
    Its not possible to have multiple clients open on the same computer at once.

  4. #4
    He posted 2 hrs ago with no answers from you. Yet you respond a mere 4 minutes after I try to answer him.

    How do you know you can't multi-client in Seal? What methods did you try? I can multi-client in most of the f2p MMOs I play.

    One thing for sure, all games published by PlayWith use GameGuard and all of them have issues because of GameGuard - particularly Seal and R.O.H.A.N.
    There is nothing noble about being superior to others. True nobility is gained by becoming superior to one's former self.

  5. #5
    Thx for the answer

  6. #6
    Have you tried using virtual box machine? It can also use multiple OS but I think your cpu may become slow.

  7. #7
    I didn't know how to use sanboxie, last time I try the "second" seal just won't start.

    So I use the Vmware, very simple, just like you are using 2 windows on 1 computer, but you will need more RAM

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