Greetings Shiltzans!

We would like to announce that during this month of April, a few players from Seal Online Brazil server will be transferred to Seal Online Blades of Destiny since Brazil server has been closed permanently.

The maximum level of those players are 110, there are only a few of them, so, it will not affect your gameplay at all.

Therefore, that being said, there are 3 special costumes made for Brazil that this players already have.

If you see any different costume around Shiltz, do not get alarmed.
These are:

- Capoeira Costume
- Passionate Samba Costume
- Extravagant Carnival Costume

* Note that all special items for Brazil will be available for Blades of Destiny players on future events very soon!

So let’s welcome our newcomers friends from Brazil and show them how great is Seal Online Blades of Destiny!