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  1. #1

    [Community Event] From Shiltzian to an Artist

    Hello Shiltzians!

    Greetings Shiltizens,

    Here comes a new and exciting community Event!
    This one will test your mouse accuracy as well as your creativity.

    The rascal rabbit felt bored this month… let’s remind him of the fresh feeling of brilliant ocean and clear beach!
    Draw your character or favorite bales with the summer theme, you can be playing beach volley or getting tanned in the sun, use all your imagination!

    [How to participate]

    Just click the link below and you will find a blank space to create your masterpiece!
    Then draw yourself at your perfect summer , remember you can ONLY use the tools available in this platform.

    Link to draw: http://rohanpaint.is-great.net/?i=1

    After you are finished, please fill out the this DOC and send us your work: https://forms.gle/eExyaNVV611rio1K7


    Our Team will choose the best 9 works between 3 categories: most realistic, most creative, and funniest.
    Additionally, one winner will be able to obtain the rewards by becoming “Community Fan Favorite”.
    In order to obtain this prize, you need to post your draw in the comment section of our Facebook page and obtain as many reactions as you can. Let all those who love your art support you by hitting the like/love/care button!

    The prizes for the winners are:
    :fire: 1x Blessed Pink Diamond
    :fire: 1x Pet Appraiser's Mistake
    :fire: 1x Marco’s Mistake
    :fire: 1x Evolution Leaf (50%)

    *The Event will start on June 8th until June 15th.
    *Rewards will be sent on June 16th.
    *One account PER PLAYER
    *Multiple accounts will reduce your chances of winning.

    Bests of luck!. We are counting on your participation.

    Love seal^^
    Seal BoD Team

  2. #2
    Can't draw with my phone??
    Only work for PC?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by bennyp View Post
    Can't draw with my phone??
    Only work for PC?
    Greetings Bennyp!

    As long as you use the link provided to draw you can use it on your phone, tablet, or PC.


    Seal BOD.

  4. #4

    We want to congratulate the winners of this event:
    This time we had a few participants, but they present cute drawings!



    Rewards have already been sent!

    Love Seal!
    Seal BOD Team ^^

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